Polish Particle and Nuclear Theory Summit (2PiNTS) 2024

Aula (Institute for Nuclear Physics -- Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN))


Institute for Nuclear Physics -- Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN)

Institute of Nuclear Physics -- Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN) ul. Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Kraków

The 2024 Polish Particle and Nuclear Theory Summit will be held 11-13 September, 2024 at the Institute for Nuclear Physics (IFJ PAN) in Krakow, Poland. This mini-workshop aims to bring together the particle and nuclear theory community in Poland in order to discuss current research topics and new ideas. The workshop features a dedicated Early Career Researcher session. All talks at the workshop are expected to be in person. We are looking forward to your participation!

Dates: after lunch Sep 11 (W) -- late afternoon Sep 13 (F). We anticipate most participants from outside Krakow to travel/arrive Wednesday morning.

Deadline for submitting abstract to Early Career Session: 12 August 2024 26 August 2024 Closed
Deadline for hotel discount:
1 September 2024 Closed (but try your luck)
Deadline for registration:
4 September 2024 Closed (open for IFJ staff/students)

Special discussions:
-- Outlook for NCN funding

Physics topics:
-- LHC physics
-- EIC physics
-- searches for new physics
-- dark matter and astroparticle physics
-- neutrino masses and oscillations
-- precision QCD and loop computations
-- nuclear and proton parton distribution functions
-- quark-gluon plasma
-- collinear and kT factorization
-- ultra peripheral collisions
-- formal developments
-- many more!

Registration fee: 0 PLN. Coffee, tea, and snacks will be provided during breaks. (Everyone is on their own for meals!)

Limited local support is available for speakers from outside Krakow. [Discounted hotel rates (click here) available for all participants.]

Questions can be directed to: nz42.activities [at] ifj.edu.pl

Short URL to this page: https://indico.ifj.edu.pl/e/2pints2024


Workshop registration
  • Aleksander Kusina
  • Alina Czajka
  • Andreas van Hameren
  • Andrzej Bożek
  • Andrzej Siodmok
  • Asaad Daher
  • Barbara Linek
  • Daniele Rizzo
  • David Alvarez Castillo
  • Florian Cougoulic
  • Ishita Ganguli
  • Izabela Babiarz
  • Jacek Gatlik
  • Janusz Chwastowski
  • Janusz Gluza
  • Juan Esau Cervantes Hernandez
  • Krzysztof Graczyk
  • Krzysztof Kutak
  • Krzysztof Rolbiecki
  • Martin Rohrmoser
  • Michał Spaliński
  • Nasim Derakhshanian
  • Oleksii Ivanytskyi
  • Pawel Blasiak
  • Paweł Malecki
  • Piotr Korcyl
  • Piotr Kotko
  • Rene Poncelet
  • Richard Ruiz
  • Robert Straka
  • Romuald Janik
  • Sebastian Sapeta
  • Stanisław Drożdż
  • Szymon Zięba
  • Tomasz Romańczukiewicz
  • Tomasz Stebel
  • Wiesław Płaczek
  • Wojciech Broniowski
  • Yan Bueno Bandeira
  • Zbigniew Was
  • +5
    • 09:00 10:00
      Talks: Session III
      Convener: Piotr Kotko (Jagiellonian University)
      • 09:00
        Adrita Chakraborty - Butterflies revisited for asymptotically Lifshitz black hole 30m
      • 09:30
        Wojciech Broniowski - Gravitational form factors of the pion: lattice QCD meets the meson dominance 30m
        Speaker: Wojciech Broniowski (IFJ PAN/UJK)
    • 10:00 10:30
      Coffee & Cookies 30m
    • 10:30 11:30
      Talks: Session IV
      Convener: Andreas van Hameren (IFJ-PAN, Krakow)
    • 11:30 13:20
      Lunch 1h 50m
    • 13:20 15:00
      ECR: ECR Session 1
      Convener: Richard Ruiz (IFJ PAN)
      • 13:20
        Functional renormalisation of UV-safe gauge theories coupled to matter 20m

        Certain types of large-$N$ gauge theories coupled to matter offer interacting UV fixed points that are under strict perturbative control, beyond the paradigm of asymptotic freedom. In this work, we derive and investigate functional RG equations for the quantum effective potential of the theory to leading order in a derivative expansion. We thereby find the RG flows, fixed points, and scaling dimensions of infinitely many canonically irrelevant interaction monomials to leading order in the small Veneziano parameter. We also find that results can be resummed into closed expressions. Implications for vacuum stability and the size of the conformal window, links with RG studies in the MS bar scheme, and extensions towards larger Veneziano parameters are indicated.

        Speaker: Daniele Rizzo (National Center for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Warsaw, Poland)
      • 13:40
        Freezing-in Cannibal Dark Sectors 20m

        Self-Interacting Dark Matter models offer a compelling framework for explaining dark matter production through interactions confined within the dark sector. Introducing a feeble coupling between the dark and visible sectors via a Higgs portal not only opens up new avenues for detection and enriches thermal production dynamics but also provides a potential explanation for the initial dark matter population via the freeze-in mechanism. In this talk, I will examine the freeze-in production of dark matter in scenarios involving self-interactions, focusing on two cases: one with a dark sector consisting solely of unstable dark matter, and another with stable dark matter and an unstable scalar mediator. I will emphasize how variations in dark sector interactions can either tighten or relax cosmological constraints, leading to distinct signatures in long-lived particle searches and indirect detection experiments.

        Speaker: Mr Juan Esau Cervantes Hernandez (NCBJ (Warsaw))
      • 14:00
        Confronting neutrino mixing schemes with correlations of neutrino oscillation data 20m

        The observed pattern of fermion masses and mixing is an outstanding puzzle in particle physics, generally known as the flavor problem. To explain the typical mixing pattern in the neutrino sector, various mixing schemes are proposed, such as trimaximal mixing (TM1 and TM2), $\mu-\tau$ reflection symmetries, etc. Such mixing schemes can emerge within the framework of discrete flavor symmetries, proving a theoretical origin for observed neutrino mixing and generating specific predictions for the neutrino mixing parameters. Once we consider the correlation among observed neutrino oscillation data, these predictions get further constrained. The methodology proposed here can be implemented in any viable neutrino mixing scheme. In this work, as an example, we discuss constraints on trimaximal (TM1 and TM2) mixing schemes, taking into account the full range of correlations coming from global analysis of neutrino mixing angles and the Dirac CP phase. Furthermore, we also show the implications of such constraints on the effective neutrino masses in the tritium and neutrinoless double beta decay experiments.

        Speaker: Mr Szymon Zieba
      • 14:20
        Crossing the desert: Towards predictions for SMEFT coefficients from quantum gravity 20m

        The SMEFT provides a general framework to search for new physics beyond the current reach of direct detection. One such form of new physics is quantum gravity. Based on dimensional analysis, one would expect the prediction that the quantum-gravity contribution to the SMEFT coefficients is unmeasurably tiny at LHC scales. In this paper, we test this expectation in a specific framework for quantum gravity, namely the asymptotic safety framework. In this framework, Wilson coefficients can be calculated in relatively straightforward manner, making a connection between quantum gravity and LHC tests of the SMEFT achievable. We work in a toy model of the Standard Model fermion sector to investigate four-fermion couplings. We find three scenarios in this toy model, based on three distinct fixed points of the Renormalization Group flow. In the first scenario, the expectation from dimensional analysis is borne out and Wilson coefficients are Planck- scale suppressed. In the second and third scenarios, the Wilson coefficients are significantly larger than expected by dimensional analysis, due to interacting fixed points which generate an effective new-physics scale that lies between the LHC scale and the Planck scale. We comment on the implications of these results for the testability of asymptotically safe gravity within the SMEFT framework at the LHC.

        Speaker: Abhishek Chikkaballi (NCBJ, Warsaw)
      • 14:40
        Kink behavior in the sine-Gordon model under a variety of inhomogeneities 20m

        Our research focuses on an extensive analysis of the dynamics of kink solutions in a modified sine-Gordon model, including a comprehensive study of the effects of breaking translational invariance due to the presence of periodic and localized inhomogeneities.

        We present a significant advancement in understanding the behavior of kink solutions within the sine-Gordon model, particularly in these complex environments. By introducing a novel ansatz, we have successfully constructed an effective model with two degrees of freedom. This model achieves remarkable accuracy in predicting the kink's dynamics, even in the non-perturbative regime and at relativistic velocities. The effectiveness of our model was validated through comprehensive numerical simulations, which demonstrated excellent agreement with the original partial differential equations. We also emphasize the critical influence of initial conditions on the accuracy of the effective model, offering new insights into the interaction between kinks and heterogeneous environments.

        Furthermore, we explore the dynamics of kinks under additional influences, such as a switched bias current and dissipation, within environments featuring periodic heterogeneity. Our findings suggest that the effective model not only captures the kink's position and width evolution with high precision but also offers potential for manipulating the kink's trajectory and rest position through external controls. This capability could lead to innovative techniques for controlling nonlinear wave dynamics in various physical systems. The successful application of this approach to more complex environments underscores its robustness and opens new avenues for exploring kink dynamics in other non-integrable Klein-Gordon models and beyond.

        The collective findings from our studies not only advance the understanding of kink dynamics in complex media but also pave the way for future research in the domain of non-linear wave motions in dispersive systems. The methodologies and results presented in this talk are anticipated to stimulate further investigations, potentially leading to novel applications in fields ranging from condensed matter physics to applied mathematics and engineering.

        [1] J. Gatlik and T. Dobrowolski, Modeling kink dynamics in the sine–Gordon model with position dependent dispersive term, Physica D, 428, 133061 (2021).
        [2] J. Gatlik and T. Dobrowolski, The impact of thermal noise on kink propagation through a heterogeneous system, Physica D, 445, 133649 (2023).
        [3] J. Gatlik, T. Dobrowolski, and P. G. Kevrekidis, Kink-inhomogeneity interaction in the sine-Gordon model, Phys. Rev. E, 108, 034203 (2023).
        [4] J. Gatlik, T. Dobrowolski, and P. G. Kevrekidis, An effective description of the impact of inhomogeneities on the movement of the kink front in 2+1 dimensions, Phys. Rev. E, 109, 024205 (2024).

        Speaker: Dr Jacek Gatlik (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Krakow)
    • 15:00 15:30
      Coffee & Cookies 30m
    • 15:30 16:30
      Talks: Session V
      Convener: Alina Czajka
      • 15:30
        Krzysztof Graczyk - Deep learning in modeling lepton-nucleus scattering 30m
        Speaker: Krzysztof Graczyk (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wrocław)
      • 16:00
        Florian Cougoulic - Small-x evolution and the proton spin puzzle 30m
        Speaker: Florian COUGOULIC (Jagiellonian University)
    • 18:00 21:00
    • 09:00 10:00
      Talks: Session VI
      Convener: Krzysztof Kutak (IFJ PAN)
      • 09:00
        Anna Koteja (NCN) - Status and outlook of NCN in 2024 and beyond 1h
    • 10:00 10:30
      Coffee & Cookies 30m
    • 10:30 11:30
      Talks: Session VII
      Convener: Sebastian Sapeta
    • 11:30 13:30
      Lunch 2h
    • 13:30 14:50
      ECR: ECR 2
      Convener: Janusz Gluza
      • 13:30
        Entropy production and dissipation in spin hydrodynamics 20m

        Motivated by the evidence of spin polarization in particles produced by relativistic heavy ion collisions, there is growing interest in the so-called relativistic spin hydrodynamics. In this talk, we will present the outcomes of using first-principle quantum-statistical methods to derive the expression for the entropy production rate in relativistic fluids composed of particles with spin. Based on this, we will discuss our ongoing development of a novel method for deriving various dissipative currents in the system.

        Ref: [Phys.Lett.B 850 (2024) 138533]

        Speaker: Asaad Daher (IFJ PAN Krakow)
      • 13:50
        Photon-photon transition form factor for tensor meson quarkonium 20m

        We will discuss the light-front formulation of quarkonium γ∗γ transition
        form factors for J PC = 2++ meson states. We will present γ∗γ → χc2 transition amplitudes and the pertinent helicity form factors. We show the results for the two-photon decay width of χc2 and three independent transition form factors of χc2 as a function of photon virtuality Q2. We compare our results for the two-photon decay width to the recently measured ones by the Belle-2 and BES III collaborations. Our approach explains the value of Γ(χc2)/Γ(χc0) measured experimentally. We also present the off-shell widths as a function of photon virtuality and compare them to the Belle data.
        Based on: I.B., et al., JHEP 06 (2024) 159, e-Print: 2402.13910 [hep-ph]

        Speaker: Izabela Babiarz (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences)
      • 14:10
        GTMD approach in the production of diffractive dijet in DIS 20m

        We calculate differential distributions for diffractive dijets production in $ep→e'p$ jet jet using off-diagonal unintegrated gluon distributions (GTMDs). Different models are used.
        We concentrate on the contribution of exclusive $q\bar{q}$ dijets.
        The results of our calculations are compared to H1 and ZEUS data. In general, except for one GTMD, our results are below the HERA data. This is in contrast to recent results where the normalization was adjusted to some selected distributions and no agreement with other observables was checked. We conclude that the calculated cross sections are only a small part of the measured ones which contain probably also processes with pomeron remnant.
        We present also azimuthal correlations between the sum and the difference of dijet transverse momenta. The cuts on transverse momenta of jets generate azimuthal correlations which can be misinterpreted.

        Speaker: Barbara Linek (University of Rzeszow)
      • 14:30
        Isolated gauge boson production in pp collisions at forward rapidities 20m

        The particle production at forward rapidities in hadronic collisions is one of the most promising processes to probe the QCD dynamics at small - $x$ as well as to observe the breakdown of the collinear and $k_T$ factorization theorems, predicted to occur to high partonic densities. In this process, one has the interaction between projectile partons with large cone momentum fractions and target partons carrying a very small momentum fraction. Thus, the projectile parton scatter off a dense gluonic system in the target. In this contribution, we investigate the case where one of the particles in the final state is an electroweak gauge boson ($G = W^\pm,Z^0, \gamma$) and present the differential cross-section for the isolated gauge boson production in pp collisions at forward rapidities as a function of the dipole - proton cross-section or the unintegrated gluon distribution, which can be used to estimate the impact of the saturation effects in the gauge boson production at the LHC and future colliders. Moreover, we demonstrate that our general parton-level cross-section reduces to expressions previously used in the literature for the description of the real photon production and Drell - Yan process at forward rapidities in some particular limits.

        Speaker: Yan Bueno Bandeira (Federal University of Pelotas / IFJ PAN)
    • 14:50 15:30
      Coffee & Cookies 40m
    • 15:30 16:30
      Talks: Session VIII
      Convener: Martin Rohrmoser (UJK-Kielce)
    • 16:30 16:40