1st CREDO Visegrad Workshop 2024

Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Cracow Poland

Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Cracow Poland



The first Visegrad Cosmic Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory (CREDO) Worshop 2024 under the framework of the project Boosting the social impact of CREDO is taking place in Cracow and comprises the Opening Worskhop and Educational fest.

The main topics of the workshop concern

a) Sonification of data, Citizen Science and Educational aspects of CREDO,

b) Interplay of the diverse cosmic rays detectors and standardisation of sharing and processing data,

c) The physics of CREDO and related topics,

which will be addressed each day of the workshop in the order above. More information regarding the scientific contents can be found in a previous CREDO workshop.


Local Organizing Committe:

David Alvarez Castillo
Robert Kaminski
Piotr Homola
Sławomir Stuglik

The workshop is supported financially by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grant from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the Fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

  • Abhisth Srivastava
  • Agnieszka Gil
  • Aleksander Kozak
  • Alexnader Ayriyan
  • Andre Sopczak
  • Aneta Wojnar
  • Antonio Napolitano
  • Arman Tursunov
  • Bakhtinur Juraev
  • Brian McBreen
  • Bronisław Psiuk
  • Christine Kourkoumelis
  • Cristina Oancea
  • Dezső Varga
  • Dmitriy Beznosko
  • Eduardo de la Fuente Acosta
  • Eduardo Moreno Barbosa
  • Evan Smith
  • Evdokia Papadopoulou
  • Gergely Gábor Barnaföldi
  • Itamar Zabari
  • Jadwiga Stalmach
  • Jan Broulim
  • Janusz Firla
  • Jarosław Stasielak
  • Jerzy Pryga
  • Jilberto Zamora Saa
  • José Manuel Vaquero
  • Katerina Sykorova
  • Katsiaryna Katrankova
  • Kevin Almeida Cheminant
  • Klaudia Tajthi
  • Konstantin Zioutas
  • Krystian Batyjewski
  • Krzysztof Wozniak
  • Marcin Bielewicz
  • Marcin Piekarczyk
  • Marek Więckowski
  • Mario Rodriguez
  • Michał Niedźwiecki
  • Mikhail Kovalyov
  • Noemi Zabari
  • Olaf Bar
  • Ophir Ruimi
  • Paweł Olko
  • Piotr Homola
  • Péter Kovács
  • Robert Kaminski
  • Robert Nowakowski
  • Roberto Galván-Madrid
  • Ruoning Lan
  • Shane Kendall
  • Simon Liebing
  • Szymon Ryszkowski
  • Tadeusz Wibig
  • Tomasz Hachaj
  • Tomasz Lanczewski
  • Wanda Diaz Merced
  • Yuhang Zhao
  • Łukasz Bibrzycki
  • +12
    • Sonification of data, Citizen Science and Educational aspects of CREDO: Welcoming
    • Sonification of data, Citizen Science and Educational aspects of CREDO
      • 1
        Sonification: Better science

        Sonification has a long history in the space sciences. The technological advancements brought it to pass from being on the forefront to behind the scenes in space sciences. Despite the sciences and mathematics continue facing challenges to avoid estationarization and linearisation of the changes/data/telemetry acquired. In this presentation I will talk about some aspects sonification may support to address in space science and talk about the possibility of a framework to put in place the things needed for the current scientific economy to do a transition to multisensorial practices for its uses in the data exploration endeavours.

        Speaker: Wanda Diaz-Merced (Universidad del Sagrado Corazón)
      • 2
        Probing the Power of Sonification for Asteroseismology

        Within the vast field of Astrophysics, the study of variable stars is
        expansive and inclusive. Groundbreaking discoveries can be made with
        modest instrumentation and small telescopes, also by amateurs, and
        treasure troves of new unexplored data are available to the scientific
        community and the public. Therefore, this field lends itself perfectly
        to involving more people in astronomical research, sharing a cosmic
        perspective on our human scientific endeavors, and using it as a
        “hook” for STEAM education.

        AstroSounds is a citizen science project investigating the extent to
        which the human ear can distinguish the timbre of different pulsating
        star types. At the same time, it is an educational project inspired by
        the research field of asteroseismology, naturally linking different
        STEAM curriculum topics, such as physics, mathematics, biology,
        chemistry, and music education. The multimodal exploration of data,
        including the auditory channel, opens the field of astronomy to people
        with visual impairments.

        In the successful pilot project of AstroSounds, which ran in Belgium
        from 2020 onwards and was funded by the Flemish government, numerous
        light curves, gathered with space missions and ground-based telescopes,
        were used for sonification.
        In this contribution, I will briefly describe the work behind the scenes
        to set up our citizen science project and its STEAM education component,
        as well as the sonification method. Subsequently, I would like to
        exchange on potential synergies and avenues of collaboration with the
        CREDO network.

        Speaker: Katrien Kolenberg
      • 3
        Speaker: Christine Clarke (Oxford University)
      • 4
        Sonification of Squeezed Vacuum State of Light: Unveiling Quantum Dynamics through Sound

        The nature of quantum states of light is inherently governed by the
        Heisenberg uncertainty principle, leading to the presence of zero-point
        energy. A squeezed vacuum state emerges as a reshaped fluctuation of
        this zero-point energy. To characterize and comprehend a squeezed
        vacuum, the utilization of a bright field becomes pivotal. This bright
        field not only amplifies the squeezed vacuum but also elevates it above
        the classical photodetectors' detection threshold. Transforming the
        detected electrical signals of the squeezed vacuum into sound via
        speakers provides an additional auditory dimension to grasp the
        intricacies of this quantum concept.

        In this presentation, I will introduce a device designed for generating
        a squeezed vacuum. A simple and cost-effective headphone has been
        ingeniously modified to convert electrical signals into sound, enabling
        us to explore various points in the squeezed vacuum generation system.
        Throughout the talk, we will experience the steady sound of a squeezed
        vacuum state. By systematically scanning the phase difference between
        the squeezed vacuum and the bright field, we can discern the intricate
        structure of the squeezed vacuum.

        This exploration into sonification not only enhances our understanding
        of quantum dynamics but also demonstrates a practical and accessible
        approach to studying squeezed vacuum states.

        Speaker: Yuhang Zhao
    • 4:15 PM
      Coffee break
    • Sonification of data, Citizen Science and Educational aspects of CREDO
      • 5
        Haptic Arduino and CME Mass Calculation

        Due to the limited sensibility of vision, astronomers usually only “look at” computer purified data sets. Auditory and tactile means provide brand-new ways for us to examine the sky. Inspired by Harvard Astronomy Lab and Clay Telescope’s Orchestar (color arduino), we present the proof of concept of a very sensitive yet simple device to transfer color into sounds and haptic motion built by Adafruit components.

        The device shows potential for calculating the masses of coronal mass ejection (CME) and other astronomical quantities. Using techniques similar to sonification analysis, we could hear and feel more hidden information and thus extract valuable critical points out of the chaotic data set.

        Speaker: Ruoning Lan (Brown University)
      • 6
        A sonification atlas for CREDO cosmic ray detections: Basis for Dark Matter and Dark Photon Investigations

        The search for the unseen matter will persist as desirable as a pinnacle discovery for
        humankind. The opportunity about the ethereal richness of the information composing the universe is not a delusion, but a disposition of curiosity although seemingly without an answer up to this date. The infinity of suspicions whether dark matter is (un)real do not rest on anticlimactic futility of knowing less after knowing more the fundamental implicitness of the universe, which we define in accord to epistemology of the standard model (SM). Positivism dictates (dis)approval, but the exploration of the pieces of (mis)detected information about dark matter is counterintuitive: we process the analyses within a silo of ‘methodical reductionism’ (i.e., subtracting noise from data and polishing all statistical asymmetries) and yet unification is sought desperately from missing
        representations of dark matter alluded to signals from ordinary matter. Restipulation of infinity in the context of discourses about this unknown matter declares multiple, ‘strange complexities’ (i.e., beyond an observer’s ability to reconcile scientific inquiries with available methods). The held principal conjecture is a featureless energy landscape and a departure of the quantumness of matter from the effects of classical gravity. This dichotomy is not a binominal reality to approach rather a paradox full of uncertainty where a proposed grand measurement will neither satisfy nor come close to the demand for scientific prudence and erudition for current physics skeptics.

        The construct about mass applied to dark matter studies poses to be an ‘irrelevant
        conception’ (simply arbitrary) and becomes ‘illusory to absurd’ (mathematically perceptible somehow but astonishingly less risky in contemplation than avoid a controversy) to try forge a model of irradiance (h) indirectly by elusive particles. Modeling of ordinary matter takes the foreground measurement while the background detection may assume dark matter. Unsurprisingly, measurement leaves incompleteness either by evidence or explanation of results. Thus, gaps will be patched up abductively. We may propose that ordinary matter superimposes dark matter and if
        the former can be peeled off then it is groundbreaking methodically. Another is to imagine them looping on either side of a continuous string-like Möbius membrane and a puncture across after forcing a great amount of energy over ordinary matter will unleash elusive particles just as particle colliders operate and offer a glimpse of intricacies of matter within matter.
        On the trail of thought connected to the previous paragraph, asking why versus how
        particles are elusive at the realm of data analysis yields to a frugal numerical output. Infinity incalculation bifurcates: first to a technical limitation and second to a premature impulsivity when denoting representation of the unaccountable, invisible matter by showing a numerical depreciation. Imaginary numbers translate to infinite ignorance of the computations even at both ends of the bifurcation. Exhaustive rigor in the analysis of data is relative to the level of explanatory ignorance to resolve the frustration in value approximation and this cannot be succinct exploratorily with numerical representations. So, for a nontechnical individual who desire to understand incredible (work on the) big data will not persist. Presentation of scientific data to convincing facts may look arrogant due to the richness of its meanings. Communication to the public becomes highly decorated with charts embedded with impressive statistical jargons.
        Elusive numerical frequencies are locked into incognito in the detected cosmic rays, but
        we operationalize the signal detection with what the SM has like using photons to accept the hypothesis of dark photons. Dark matter and dark photons cuts SM boundaries. Nominating particle candidates for dark matter offers a leeway. Reframing how we look at SM would be unorthodox. The consequence is accentuating its gray areas. However, this consequence should create new windows for physics. Specifically, inclusion of diverse interpretivism of particle detections accomplished through data sonification. We have to cleverly and creatively improve the interpretability of particle physics so it stays relevant to society wherein everyone can engage regardless of educational background, profession, socioeconomic status, and humanitarian crises (e.g., war, pandemic, etc.). Candidly, the equations framing particle physics may tirelessly (or may not) appeal among who can(not) articulate a connection between ‘objective eroticism’ (nonorganic
        pleasure of wanting complexity) and paralysis from ‘uncomprehensible cognitive load’ (deep thinking).
        The phenomenon in question exists as whole data. Methodical rigor involves (expensive) data extraction and manipulation. The latter gives rise to novel distortion instead of preserving natural perturbations as true anomalies in the frequency details (e.g., astrophysical event detections), but then is knowingly remodeled to fit into or (ful)fill what the naked eye can account.
        The oversight of data proceeds to overarching answers despite there is fragmentation in data patterns. Therefore, we lose the phenomenon in question each data processing. Further, data analysis is tainted by unfounded priori, which are actually general claims when expecting dark matter to be (or must be) very unusual findings. So, the story out of the data can (or must) appear fancy based on asymptotic signal fluctuations against the behavior of signals from ordinary matter.
        However, conventional elucidation of cosmic ray detections is until the frontiers of data
        visualization. Sophistication of experiments reported in literature fail to provide meaningful depth of interpretation of the phenomenon using visual inferences. To divorce dark matter from analysis of ordinary matter representation in the data is thought acceptable by mass difference determination. Alternatively, dark matter can be the relocation of energy buried in the unattractive data patterns. Zooming into these patterns visually does not guarantee salience to the observer.
        Through sonification, minuteness between data points (despite simultaneous with overlaps) can be resonated and amplified with the opportunity of equivocal synopsis of correlative findings while matter in query is audibly and visually interpreted. Peculiarities can mean unveiling the (ambiguous) interphase of ordinary matter and dark matter.
        We should aim for malleable reproduction of data analysis techniques so we can generate and weave empirical evidence together through practice of interdisciplinarity. Also, we take advantage of knowledge cross-fertilization. High-energy astrophysics could be helpful in the development of space nursing research focusing on cosmic radiation and health of astronauts and space tourists if nurse scientists will understand astrophysics data. Same predicament with communication if researchers are unable to laymanize and disseminate varying levels of scientific content to nontechnical stakeholders including students. However, to bring synergy between many disciplines and lucrative investment opportunities supporting research endeavors, it is imperative
        to move the goals of understanding (astrophysics) data up to speed along with public engagement in science because it is worth everybody’s interest.
        Data sonification is not a segway to (over)simplification of data analysis rather it is
        instrumental to discover and rediscover what truly matters when the eyes more often find ordinary results. Feynman diagrams are blueprints of possible particle interactions. On the other hand, towards an ingenious data representation, hearing how a Feynman diagram sounds is a remarkable experiential learning of particle physics.
        The extensive data analyses shown in the presentation aims to provide: (1) a sonification atlas using CREDO cosmic ray detections; (2) unique interpretation of data by sonification; and (3) representation of plausible dark matter and dark photon in the data.

      • 7
        The LightSound Project: Experiencing a Solar Eclipse with Sound

        Solar eclipses are profound experiences. LightSound is a sonification
        tool designed for solar eclipses. The device converts light to sound for
        blind, low-vision, or non-visual learners as a way to observe solar
        eclipses through sound. The LightSound team is building 750+ devices to
        be donated for the upcoming April 2024 total solar eclipse. I will
        provide an update on the project and give future prospects.

        Speaker: Bieryla Allyson
      • 8
        Sonification of Gravitational Waves: Effective or not?

        Accurately decomposing the data into its many oscillation modes is one of the priorities of science.   The gravitational wave telemetry is not an exception to this.   In this presentation I will present the techniques I used to embed the usage of sound as an alternative to support the scrutinization of these events and the following comparative studies going on towards proving or discarding the effectiveness of the use of audio to analyse these data sets.

        Speaker: Shane Kendall
      • 9
        The REINFORCE EU citizen science project

        The REINFORCE EU (Research Infrastructures FOR Citizens in Europe) was a three-
        year long SwafS project which engaged citizens in active collaboration with the
        scientists working in large research infrastructures across Europe. The overall aim
        was to bridge the gap between them and reinforce society’s science capital. The
        citizen scientists had at their disposal data from four different “discovery
        demonstrators” hosted on the online Zooniverse platform.
        The demonstrators asked for the citizen contribution to front-end research such as:
        gravitational wave astronomy, deep sea neutrino telescopes, particle search at CERN
        and cosmic rays. The task of the citizens was to help the scientists to optimize the
        detectors and/or the reconstruction algorithms. A separate dedicated working package
        was devoted to exploring the potential of frontier citizen science for inclusion and
        diversity. The emphasis was given to sonification for inclusion of visually impaired
        citizens, senior citizen science courses and artistic interventions.
        The focus of the talk will be on the demonstrator titled “Search for new particles at
        CERN”, where citizen-scientists visually inspected events collected by the ATLAS
        detector at LHC and searched for signatures of new particles. To make this possible,
        the demonstrator adopted a three-stage architecture. The first two stages used
        simulated data to train citizens, but also to allow for a quantitative assessment of their
        performance and a comparison with machine learning algorithms. The third stage
        used real data, providing two research paths: (a) study of Higgs boson decays to two
        photons, one of which could be converted to an electron-positron pair by interaction
        with detector material, and (b) search for yet undiscovered long-lived particles,
        predicted by certain theories Beyond-the-Standard-Model. The second stage events
        were sonified by CONICET.
        The results of 360,000 classifications showed that citizen scientists can carry out
        complicated tasks responsibly, with a performance comparable to that of a purpose-
        built machine-based algorithm and can identify interesting patterns or errors in the
        reconstruction, in individual events. Moreover, the demonstrator showed that the
        statistical combination of user responses (user consensus) appears to be quite a
        powerful tool that can be further considered and exploited in fundamental scientific
        The demonstrator approach to applying citizen science to high energy physics proved
        that users could contribute to the field, but also identify areas where further study is

        Speaker: Christine Kourkoumelis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
      • 10
        Open discussion for all participants
    • Interplay of the diverse cosmic rays detectors and standardisation of sharing and processing data
      • 11
        Cosmic Watch based detector array - measurements and simulations

        Creating a perfect cosmic ray detector for the purpose of CREDO is a task that has been undertaken not once in the past by projects like CosmicPi, CREDO-Maze or Astro-tectonic . Diversity of used detectors can become an advantage in the search of new cosmic ray related phenomena but it requires a good understanding of used devices. We would like to present our proposition of a device that should be affordable by most educational institutions or even some committed individuals, at the same time being able to measure cosmic ray flux and observe Extensive Air Showers (EAS). We believe that this sort of equipment could become an important part of future CREDO related data collection system, as they should be able to collect data directly to the server for months without interruption. However, before distribution of such we have to understand all their properties and problems that may occur during operation. In order to do so, we performed simulations of our detectors in interaction with most numerous cosmic ray particles in different conditions. We would also like to present results of first measurements and discuss prospects for future development of our project.

        Speaker: Jerzy Pryga (University of the National Education Commission)
      • 12
        A few technical comments on the CREDO project

        For several months, PTMA has been actively participating in the CREDO project by the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow. To detect secondary cosmic radiation particles, participants build measuring stations consisting of Samsung mobile phones. The long period of operation allowed me to formulate a few technical comments regarding the operation of the station. They include issues related to hardware and software, IT security elements, power and cooling requirements, problems with Android system support, as well as the possible evolution of detectors from the point of view of the "Particle Hunters" participants.

        Speaker: Mr Marek Więckowski (Polish Society of Amateur Astronomers (PTMA))
      • 13
        The Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics searches (GNOME)

        Not only optical magnetometers are the most sensitive magnetic-field sensors, but they may also be used to search for non-magnetic spin couplings, including those associated with hypothetical dark-matter interactions. The performance of the sensors will be discussed in the context of searches for exotic spin couplings using a network of synchronized magnetometers [1], which extends the searching possibilities to transient and spatially correlated perturbations. Search targets and developed dark-matter detection schemes [2] will be discussed.

        [1] Szymon Pustelny et al. “The Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics (GNOME): A novel scheme to search for physics beyond the Standard Model”. In: Ann. der Physik 525.8-9 (2013), p. 659.

        [2] Samer Afach et al. “What Can a GNOME Do? Search Targets for the Global Network of Optical Magne- tometers for Exotic Physics Searches”. In: Ann. der Physik (2023), p. 2300083.

        Speaker: Grzegorz Łukasiewicz (Jagiellonian University)
      • 14
        Selected properties of plastic scintillators for muon detection

        We present application of plastic scintillating detectors with SiPM and coincidence readout electronics for muon detection. Selected properties are shown, measurements are compared with expectations. Despite the low energy resolution of this type of sensor, muon peak is observed in energy spectrums. Testing measurements were performed in the laboratory and underground.

        Speaker: Jan Broulim (Czech Technical University)
    • 11:20 AM
      Coffee break
    • Interplay of the diverse cosmic rays detectors and standardisation of sharing and processing data
      • 15
        Experimental particle physics at Andres Bello University (UNAB) in Chile

        n this talk I will present the activities that we are carrying out at UNAB related with experimental astro/particle physics. I will also present our proyect related with earthquake precursors and other related projects.

        Speaker: Jilberto Jilberto Zamora Saá (Andres Bello University)
      • 16
        Muography: imaging with cosmic particles

        Naturally occuring cosmic particles, mostly muons, reach the Earth surface continuously and nearly uniformly, and due to their high energy can cross as much as 10-1000m of rock. Since muons propagate along straight lines, one can use these particles for imaging the internal density structure of large objects. More than five decades ago, this method has been used to search for hidden chambers in a pyramid, and subsequently to study various challenging structures: mines, caves, volcanoes, nuclear reactors. Since the turn of the last century, there has been a rapid increase of interest towards muon imaging – with a new research field, called “Muography” emerging – and the application possibilities broadened along with drastic reduction of instrumentation cost, at improved detection efficiency, portability and imaging resolution. The most relevant application possibilities include mining, archeology, volcanology, nuclear industry and border control. Measurements related to volcanology span three continents, and revealed magma movement and erosion effects. Mining applications allow cost reduction (less drilling) and improved operational safety, thus contributing to a sustainable future.

        Muography is not only becoming a consistent research field, but there is an international community which facilitates information exchange, critical assessment of the quality of new results, and promotes technology transfer towards an increasing number of industrial partners.

        Speaker: Dezso Varga (HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
      • 17
        Modular Cosmic Ray Detector (MCORD) possible use in the cosmo-seismic project.

        MCORD (Modular Cosmic Ray Detector) was designed as a tool that can be used both in large physics experiments and on a much smaller scale for observations in small projects. This is pos- sible thanks to its segmented and scalable structure. The basic features of this detector will be presented as a tool that we propose to use when searching for local correlations between the level of earthquakes and the average flux of cosmic radiation reaching the Earth’s surface.

        Speaker: Marcin Bielewicz (NCBJ - National Centre for Nuclear Research)
      • 18
        Astroteq.ai cosmic ray detection demonstration

        Introducing the AstroTeq.ai Basic detector, a compact cosmic ray detector with advanced features. Designed for discreet cosmic ray analysis, it employs dual scintillators and SiPM in a TOP-BOTTOM coincidence setup. With GPS for precise location, WiFi for real-time communication, and an internal battery for uninterrupted operation, the device ensures reliable detection without disruption. The user-friendly design includes a small display and a single-button operation, complemented by a dedicated application for comprehensive functionality. Additionally, a visualization software with a control panel showcases the device's features for efficient data analysis and configuration.

        Speakers: Konrad Kopański (The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences), katarzyna Katrankova (Astroteq.ai)
      • 19
        The Czech Particle Physics Project
        Speaker: Andre Sopczak (IEAP CTU in Prague)
      • 20
        Acceleration and propagation of charged cosmic ray particles - recent progress from Opava

        In this short contribution, I will show our recent results
        in cosmic ray particle physics and the involvement of our research
        group at the Institute of Physics, Silesian University in Opava, in
        the CREDO project. I will discuss charged particle acceleration
        models, focusing on particle dynamics in the combined gravitational
        and magnetic field around a rotating black hole. Application on PeV
        cosmic ray source, Sagittarius A* from our Galaxy center, will be

        Speaker: Martin Kološ (Institute of Physics, Silesian University in Opava)
    • 2:00 PM
      Lunch break
    • Interplay of the diverse cosmic rays detectors and standardisation of sharing and processing data
      • 21
        Radiation detection and particle tracking with pixel semiconductor Timepix detectors

        Advacam detectors of the Timepix family with the pixelated semiconductor chip developed within Medipix Collaboration at CERN allow for radiation energy detection with precise position information in a wide range of deposited energies. Their capabilities will be demonstrated on the results of several space projects where space radiation fields were composed of components with diverse particle origins and energy.

        Speaker: Katerina Sykorova (Advacam)
      • 22
        Active shield of low background gamma spectrometer as a tool for studying muon flux properties

        In our laboratory two low background gamma spectrometers with germanium
        detectors are equipped with active shield. Such shield is a system of
        five large plastic scintillatior detectors sensitive for muons
        surrounding the massive cubic lead shield of spectrometer from five
        sides. The active shield works in the anticoincidence mode with
        germanium detector. In our spectrometers data is collected in the even
        by event mode and the antioincidence logical function is performed
        during of-line analyzes of time structure of data. The first
        spectrometer operates from September 2018, the second one from January
        2021. The Fourier analyse for initial results from 18 months revealed,
        besides a day cycle two longer cycles close to one month and 70 days.
        Further analyses are planned.

        Speaker: Jerzy Wojtek Mietelski (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences)
      • 23
        The Jánossy Underground Research Laboratory and the ongoing projects

        The Jánossy Underground Research Laboratory (JURLAB) is part of the
        Vesztergombi High Energy Laboratory (VLAB). This one of the TOP 50
        research infrastructures in Hungary and located in the Wigner Research
        Centre for Physics, Csillebérc, Budapest, Hungary. It has been built in
        the 50s for cosmic muon measurements and used intensively by Lajos
        Jánossy. Today, after several renovation, this special location is a
        30m deep open laboratory, which is used for different experimental
        studies from gravity, seismic, innfrasound measurements, earthquake
        researches, cosmic muon project and low-background nuclear
        measurements. Here I present a short overview of the ongoing projects
        and the possibilities in the JURLAB.

        Speaker: Gergely Gabor Barnafoldi (MTA KFKI RMKI)
      • 24
        Proposal of a compact particle detector with commercial embedded systems

        In this talk, the conceptual design of a compact particle detector will be presented, using the development of new systems such as embedded systems to be able to carry out signal preprocessing in real time, the system will make simultaneous measurements of atmospheric variables to be able to make subsequent or online corrections of the generated signals in the detector. The main idea of this project is to generate a prototype to be implemented in high schools.

        Speaker: Eduardo Moreno Barbosa (FCFM BUAP)
    • 4:20 PM
      Coffee break
    • Interplay of the diverse cosmic rays detectors and standardisation of sharing and processing data
      • 25
        Open discussion for all participants
    • Interplay of the diverse cosmic rays detectors and standardisation of sharing and processing data: Going to Chile for a Solar Eclipse (student movie)
      Convener: Jiří Dobrý
    • Interplay of the diverse cosmic rays detectors and standardisation of sharing and processing data: Conference Dinner
      • 8:00 PM
        Conference Dinner

        Conference dinner taking place at the Liberty Kraków Bistro Cafe & Bar, Zwierzyniecka 27, 31-105 Kraków.


    • The CREDO Collaboration Meeting: Science I
      • 26
        Status and Future Simulation Prospects of Cosmic-Ray Ensembles Generated by Synchrotron Radiation

        Cosmic rays are anticipated to give rise to cascades of product particles during their journey through space, resulting from interactions with fields, radiation, and matter. These phenomena, collectively known as cosmic-ray ensembles (CRE), are expected to exhibit variations in shapes, sizes, and constituents. Comprehensive studies of CRE necessitate an alternative approach to cosmic ray detection that considers their spatial and temporal correlations on a global scale. Despite the technical challenges, the potential observation of portions of CRE at Earth could significantly contribute to contemporary cosmic ray astrophysics. One prevalent scenario for CRE formation involves the synchrotron radiation of charged particles moving through ubiquitous magnetic fields. We present updated results from CRE simulations in this context, exploring the favorable physics conditions for observing such particle cascades and discussing the practical prospects of this research direction.

        Speaker: Oleksandr Sushchov (INP PAS)
      • 27
        Machine Learning @CREDO

        The recent, ongoing as well as planned CREDO ML research activities will be discussed. So far CREDO ML focused on the analysis of individual cosmic ray events including the filtering of artifacts and hardware noise and attepmts to associate event shapes with particular particle types. In terms of ML methodologies these were supervised binary and multi-class problems, respectively. We also applied non-supervised schemes to extract the most representative features of events or isolate outliers and novelties. The projects recently undertaken focus on generative models which enable the modelling of collective cosmic ray phenomena like Extensive Air Showers, in particular studying particle distributions or unfolding detector effects.

        Speaker: Łukasz Bibrzycki (AGH University of Krakow)
      • 28
        Observations from the publicly available data of the CREDO experiment

        The author statistically evaluates the public data from the CREDO science project.[1]
        Starting from observations on the live website data, some effects will be investigated looking through the whole available data set.
        Especially I will focus on how long users and devices contribute.
        There an interesting divergence between live data and stored data is observed.
        Another effect which can be observed is that regularly, that there are events when one user reports several observations at the same time.
        Multiple detections show all the three types of cosmic ray observations that were discussed in the paper by Bibrzycki et al..[2]
        These can be found in nearly 5% of the observations, one can find up to 10 observations at the same time.
        Of course a double detection is most likely and then the possibility goes down.
        All is still work in progress and can be either included in the scientific evaluation of the experiment or in the improvement of the experience of the users that contribute to the project.

        1 P. Homola, et al. (CREDO Collab.), "Cosmic Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory", Symmetry 2020, 12(11), 1835, 2020. [arXiv:2010.08351, DOI:10.3390/sym12111835].
        2 Ł. Bibrzycki et al. [CREDO], PoS ICRC2021 (2021), 227 doi:10.22323/1.395.0227 [arXiv:2110.00297 [physics.ins-det]].

        Speaker: Simon Liebing (Institute of Theoretical Physics, TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Freiberg, Germany)
      • 29
        Exploring cosmo-seismic correlation with machine learning

        This research endeavors to forecast earthquakes with a magnitude of 6 or greater within a 1000 km radius from three cosmic ray stations, employing machine learning methodologies. Our approach incorporates a feature store library for streamlined data preparation, encompassing 360 hours of cosmic ray data and the time elapsed since the last earthquake. Utilizing a feature store library and a dual-module model, we achieve a test AP of 0.320, surpassing the baseline of 0.288. The earthquake-focused metric addresses the practicality of forecasts, revealing a promising ability to prognosticate a significant percentage of earthquakes with a false alarm rate below 30%. Statistical significance tests, comprising 300,000 experiments, establish a robust 6 sigma or more significance.

        Speaker: Noemi Zabari (Astroteq.ai & CREDO.science)
    • 11:00 AM
      Coffee break
    • The CREDO Collaboration Meeting: Science II
      • 30
        Exploitation of Cyclostationarity and its Generalizations for Science Data Analysis

        Antonio Napolitano
        Department of Engineering
        University of Napoli “Parthenope”, Italy


        Presentation of the main research topic related to CREDO collaboration at the University of Napoli “Parthenope”, Italy:

        Exploitation of Cyclostationarity and its Generalizations for Science Data Analysis

        Cyclostationarity is a statistical property of science data generated by the combination/interaction of periodic and random phenomena. These data have second- or higher-order statistical functions that are periodic functions of time. More general models can account for the presence of multiple, possibly incommensurate, and irregular periodicities ([2], Chapters 1,2). Even if the observed signals are not periodic, the hidden periodicities can be restored by estimating statistical functions from the
        data. These statistical functions contain information on the generating mechanism of the data that cannot be extracted starting from the classical stationary modeling of the observed signals.

        In the case of relative motion between a transmitting source and the receiver, time dilation effects must be accounted for in the received signal ([1], Chap. 6). In such a case, generalizations of cyclostationarity are appropriate models for the received signal ([1] Chaps. 2--5, [2] Chaps. 12–14).

        Within the CREDO collaboration, the cyclostationary model has been exploited to confirm the main results presented in [3]. Specifically, in [3], the average variation of the cosmic ray detection rate, the earthquake sum magnitude, and the Sunspot monthly mean are shown to be pairwise jointly cyclostationary time series and the Fourier coefficients of their cross statistical functions are estimated. The results show the existence of periodic correlation or statistical dependence between pairs of these time series.

        [1] A. Napolitano, Generalizations of Cyclostationary Signal Processing: Spectral Analysis and Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., IEEE Press, 2012.

        [2] A. Napolitano, Cyclostationary Processes and Time Series. Theory, Applications, and Generalizations. Elsevier, 2019.

        [3] P. Homola, V. Marchenko, A. Napolitano, et al. , “Observation of large scale precursor correlations between cosmic rays and earthquakes with a periodicity similar to the solar cycle”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 247, art. 106068, 2023.

        Speaker: Antonio Napolitano (University of Napoli Parthenope, Italy)
      • 31
        An update on the cosmo-seismic correlations: a manifestation of a charged dark matter stream?

        I'll report on progress with understanding the physics of the cosmo-seismic correlations. The main observations associated with the effect point to the role of both solar magnetism and lunar gravitational forces, although the latter does not appear to have a tidal character. In addition we observe a clear appearance of the sidereal day periodicity in both cosmic ray and earthquake data. None of the conventional scenarios considered so far does not seem to match the whole range of properties of the cosmo-seismic effect and its main properties, and it opens the stage for alternative explanations. Presently, the best candidate scenario we qualitatively take into account is a stream of charged dark matter particles which would be heavy enough to induce a seismic effect after being lensed or modulated by the nearby massive bodies and magnetic fields, and which could induce or generate radiation observable with standard means. The scale of consequences of such a scenario would be immense. For instance, we should be able to predict some earthquakes by monitoring cosmic ray sources moving within the Solar System, and we would have to revisit all the climate change models by considering the newly discovered external factor. An impact of a nearby dark stream could possibly be hardly noticed by individual, narrowly-focused observatories, but the observational chances should grow with adopting an unbiased, interdisciplinary approach where a combination of weak indications from distinct research areas could give a strong, unquestionable signature. We attempt to implement such an approach in CREDO, and everybody is invited to be a part of this quest.

        Speaker: Dr Piotr Homola (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
    • 1:00 PM
      Lunch break
    • The CREDO Collaboration Meeting: Guest Physics Talks
      • 32
        Exploring Phase Space Deformation through a Correspondence between Modified Gravity and Generalized Uncertainty Principle, and Earthquakes as Testing Grounds

        I will briefly explore the connection between modified
        theories of gravity and models based on the generalized uncertainty
        principle. This connection enables the examination of gravity proposals
        through tabletop experiments. Using the Landau model of liquid helium as
        an illustrative example, we will delve into the details. Additionally, I
        will demonstrate the application of Earth seismic data to constrain
        quantum and modified gravity proposals. Further, we will discuss
        essential enhancements needed for this method.

        Speaker: Dr Aneta Wojnar (Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain)
      • 33
        On the relationship between seismic activity and other natural phenomena

        I'm going to explain why why earthquakes are affected by tidal forces and then showing how quakes correlate with UAPs, using recent paper https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-49527-x. In the end, I would mention the 10.1-10.2 year lunar periodicity as a reference to the cosmo-seismic effect reported in https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2023.106068.

        Speaker: Mikhail Kovalyov
      • 34
        Pevatrons as a challenge in 21st century astronomy

        PeVatrons are natural particle accelerators that can accelerate particles with energies of up to 1 PeV. Although the term PeVatron was coined by the High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS) collaboration in 2016 through the analysis of the galactic center, its era began in 2021 thanks to the discovery of ultra-high energy gamma-ray sources by highly sensitive observatories such as the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory in Mexico, the Tibet AS-gamma Experiment in Tibet (led by the University of Tokyo, Japan) and the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO-LHAASO-KM2A). In this contribution, we briefly overview the PeVatrons and explain why the analysis of molecular observations is essential for their study.

        References and acknowledgments:

        de la Fuente, E., et al, 2023, A &A, 675, id.L5, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202346681

        de la Fuente, E., et al, 2023, PASJ, 75, 546-566, DOI: 10.1093/pasj/psad018

        The authors gratefully acknowledge the Inter-university Research Program of the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research (ICRR), University of Tokyo (UTokyo), grant 2023i-F-005. IT-J gratefully acknowledges the support of the Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnología (CONAHCyT), México, grant 754851.

        Speaker: Eduardo de la Fuente Acosta (Departamento de Física, CUCEI, Universidad de Guadalajara, México)
    • 4:00 PM
      Coffee break
    • The CREDO Collaboration Meeting: Institutional members review / introduction
      Convener: Piotr Homola (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
      • 35
        SpES, studying solar-terrestrial physics from a global Earth science perspective

        In this contribution, we present to the CREDO community the SpES (Space & Earth Sciences) research group of the University of Extremadura, which is a member of the CREDO consortium. This research group attempts to make significant advances in Earth sciences using a global perspective. Its main research areas are Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Climatology, Meteorology, and History and Teaching Geosciences.

        This research group has worked intensively over the last two decades to provide the international community with a better reconstruction of solar activity over the last four centuries from documentary sources [1-3]. Currently, it is responsible for guarding the HASO (Historical Archive of Sunspot Observations). In addition, it has demonstrated the ability to analyze and diagnose large solar-terrestrial events of the past such as the intense geomagnetic storms of 1870 [4] and 1903 [5]. In particular, it has used statistical analyzes to demonstrate that, from a space weather point of view, we do not expect events significantly larger than those already observed [6-7] .

        Finally, we would like to highlight the interest of SpES in history [8], teaching [9] and the dissemination of Earth and Space sciences, where the interest of this research group in the CREDO experiment is clearly manifested [10].

        1. F. Clette et al. 2014. Space Science Reviews 186, 35. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-014-0074-2
        2. A. Muñoz-Jaramillo, J.M. Vaquero. 2019. Nature Astronomy 3, 205. DOI: 10.1038/s41550-018-0638-2
        3. R. Arlt, J.M. Vaquero. 2020. Living Reviews in Solar Physics 17, 1. DOI: 10.1007/s41116-020-0023-y
        4. J.M. Vaquero et al. 2008. Journal of Geophysical Research 113, A08230. DOI: 10.1029/2007JA0129431870
        5. H. Hayakawa et al. 2020. Astrophysical Journal Letters 897, L10. DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ab6a18
        6. F.J. Acero et al. 2018. Astrophysical Journal 853, 80. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aaa406
        7. F.J. Acero et al. 2018. Geophysical Research Letters 45, 9435. DOI: 10.1029/2018GL079676
        8. J.M. Vaquero. 2017. History of Geo- and Space Sciences 8, 53. DOI: 10.5194/hgss-8-53-2017
        9. I. Tovar, J.M. Vaquero. 2023. The Physics Teacher 61, 100. DOI: 10.1119/5.0058890
        10. P. Homola et al. 2020. Symmetry 12, 1835. DOI:10.3390/sym12111835
        Speaker: José Manuel Vaquero (Universidad de Extremadura)
      • 36
        Introduction of the new CREDO InstitutIonal member: Experyment Science Center in Gdynia

        Presentation of Experyment Science Center in Gdynia. Since 2021 we are participating in citizen science collaborating with Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Science. I will tell about our experience in citizen science and about our plans connected with CREDO.

        Speaker: Ms Klaudia Tajthi
      • 37
        PTMA's participation in the promotion of CREDO.science as part of the international #CopernicusHUB project.

        PTMA as an organization has been an official member of the CREDO consortium since September 2022. Members of the Society give lectures and demonstrations of detection stations during internal PTMA meetings, science picnics and festivals, astronomical events and sky observing.

        From 2023, the CREDO.science promotion is also carried out as part of the international space education project #CopernicusHUB, which is coordinated by the Warsaw branch of PTMA.

        In 2024 and 2025, the CREDO project is planned to be promoted using modern educational methods like computer game the Space Engine simulating the construction of the Universe.

        In order to build the CREDO community, online meetings with other astronomy enthusiasts in Europe and around the world are planned as part of the #CopernicusHUB project.

        Speaker: Robert Nowakowski (PTMA)
      • 38
        Institutional members review :: AGH University of Krakow

        Presentation of AGH University of Krakow as an institutional member of the CREDO research collaboration. Discussing the role of the university, identifying the researchers involved in the collaboration, with particular emphasis on current and planned CREDO-related activities and future potential contributions to CREDO.

        Speaker: Dr Marcin Piekarczyk (AGH University of Krakow)
    • The CREDO Collaboration Meeting: Task Leaders Reports
      Convener: Piotr Homola (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
      • 39
        The CREDO-Maze Task Report

        We would like to give a brief overview of the idea behind the CREDO-Maze project realised at the University of Lodz and summarise its status today. For some time now, we have been testing and continuously improving the design of the detectors and their electronics, adding various components that may not be necessary for CREDO itself, but may be useful for other purposes, including education. We have developed a technique that involves high school students in the construction of 'their' detector stations, and the idea is working. We are currently trying to work out the final format of the data acquisition and the IT issues of data transfer. In parallel, we are developing teaching materials on cosmic ray physics for teachers and prospective students.

        Speaker: Prof. Tadeusz Wibig
      • 40
        The Visibility Task Report
        Speaker: Prof. Robert Kaminski (Insititute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
      • 41
        The Cosmo-Seismic Task Report
        Speakers: David Álvarez Castillo (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS), Dr Noemi Zabari
      • 42
        The Machine Learning Task Report
        Speaker: Marcin Piekarczyk (AGH University of Krakow)
      • 43
        The CREDO Blockchain Task

        Are we one step away from tokenizing the CREDO detector?
        Will the creation of a micro-payment system using Blockchain technology
        and rewarding active CREDO app's users with CREDO tokens contribute
        to the popularization and significant increase in the power of the detector?

        Speaker: Krystian Batyjewski
      • 44
        Low cost cosmic ray detectors at Clayton State University (video)

        The use of the AI can bolster the community involvement in the science that also carries the educational aspect of learning about the LLM and can include local high schools to produce the materials for the learning of the metal networks. Additional school involvement can be in the forms of hosting simple hardware solutions as additional data collection stations, some of that may start under latest grant at CSU.

        Speaker: Dmitriy Beznosko (Bard College New Orleans)
    • The CREDO Collaboration Meeting: Organization Road Map - The CREDO Bylaws
      Convener: Piotr Homola (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
      • 45
        The CREDO Bylaws Draft v.0.0 - Discussion

        We will discuss the first draft of the CREDO Bylaws which would be the first step on the CREDO Organizational Road Map: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pLpV3cPLvRpgYXowGbJs7WAqzqCFFk5vc6avjx9Vu9g/edit?usp=sharing
        Feel free to comment & suggest edits also before and after the session.

    • The CREDO Collaboration Meeting: Discussion
      Convener: Piotr Homola (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
    • The CREDO Collaboration Meeting: Closing
      Conveners: David Álvarez Castillo (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS), Robert Kaminski (Insititute of Nuclear Physics PAN)