Jun 27 – 30, 2022
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Best Poster Competition

Regulation of the competition for the best poster presented within the international conference Multiscale Phenomena in Condensed Matter – Multis 2022, online meeting 27-30.06.2022


1. Target group

The organizer of the competition is the Organizing Committee of the Multiscale Phenomena in Condensed Matter – Multis 2022 conference. The competition is addressed to all persons registered for the international conference Multiscale Phenomena in Condensed Matter, the online meeting, referred to in what follows as the Conference, who presented a poster. The conference is organized by the Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland.

2. Purpose of the competition

  • dissemination of the research results standing in accordance with the needs and interests of the participants of the Conference within the scope of multidisciplinary investigations into condensed matter systems,

  • inspiring research activity and scientific debate,

  • developing the ability to observe the rules of scientific presentation in academic fora.

3. Time and place of the competition

The competition will take virtual place on the Zoom platform.

4. Object of the competition

Scientific poster authored by the registered Conference participant, presented during the poster sessions on the Conference.

5. Decision of the competition and prize

Posters will be evaluated by all participants of the Conference. Electronic voting will take place on Wednesday during the break. The author of the highest rated poster will be awarded. The results of the competition will be announced during the conference closing session. The winner will be distinguished with a diploma and receive a voucher to participate in (any) upcoming Multis or Young Multis conference without paying a conference fee.

6. Formal requirements

A poster should include the title and the authors' affiliations. The poster should be prepared in a PDF format and the file size must not exceed 20 MB. Place of poster presentation: virtual room on the Zoom platform. Posters should be sent by e-mail to the Organizers of the Conference. Posters will be available only during the conference, i.e. from 27th June to 29th June. Poster must be prepared in English.

7. Final provisions

The decision of the voting is final and incontestable, which means that no appeal can be brought against the decision. The organizers reserve the right to develop and publish the results of the competition including the names and affiliations of the awarded authors. Entering the competition involves the agreement for the personal data to be processed within the scope necessary for running the competition – the required agreement for the personal data to be processed together with the notification clause has been included in the Registration section.


Regulation of the competition for the best poster presented within the international conference Multis 2022 in pdf format