Spectroscopy & Neutron Research
- Christian Naether
Mark Johnson
(Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France)
05/07/2017, 09:00
Multifunctional materials
oral presentation
`Neutron techniques cover many orders of magnitude in time and length scales, which can be extended even further by combining real time and space with reciprocal time and space techniques - neutrons are therefore perfectly suited to studying multiscale phenomena. Since neutrons are scattered primarily by nuclei, the data can be directly compared with atomistic simulations, in particular those...
Simone Capaccioli
(Physics Department, University of Pisa)
05/07/2017, 09:40
Soft matter and glass formers
oral presentation
`Glass-forming systems are characterized by complex relaxation dynamics involving a wide range of time and length scales. Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS) is able to study the orientational response of molecular dipoles to external electric fields, covering more than 16 decades (0.1 mHz - 1 THz) [1]. Thus it is a suitable method to study the relaxation processes in glass-forming systems...
Victoria Garcia Sakai
(ISIS Neutron and Muon Facility, STFC)
05/07/2017, 10:10
Soft matter and glass formers
oral presentation
`In this talk I will showcase how the use of neutrons is helpful to gain information on the behaviour of polythiohene-fullerene systems for organic electronic applications. I will concentrate on two areas. First, nanoscale control of the structural organisation and as a result the dynamical behaviour, is paramount to boost their performance. Quasi-elastic scattering has been used to probe the...
Andrzej Szytuła
(Jagiellonian University)
05/07/2017, 10:40
Surfaces and interfaces
oral presentation
`The results of magnetic measurements for the La$_{0.667}$Ca$_{0.333}$MnO$_3$ nano samples indicate an existence of not magnetically ordered outer shell [1].`
`In order to investigate this phenomenon magnetic and neutron diffraction measurements for RMnO$_3$ (R = Pr, Nd, Tb) nano manganites have been performed. The samples were obtained by a sol-gel technique and afterwards annealed at...