Jul 3 – 6, 2017
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Other Events

Division of Condensed Matter Physics INP PAS takes also an active part in the organization of the 36th DyProSo conference (https://dyproso2017.ifj.edu.pl). The conference will be held in Cracow on 27 - 31 August 2017. It is an international biannual research meeting on functional properties of condensed matter resulting from elementary excitations, molecular motions transport processes and other dynamic phenomena occurring in many body systems. Of special concern is always a scientific dialogue between young and experienced researchers working on the dynamics of materials. The scientific programme of DyProSo XXXVI will contain among others the following subjects: amorphous and soft matter, multiferroics and ferroelectrics, electrons and spins, diffusive dynamics, phonons and magnons, theoretical and experimental methods, excitations of strongly correlated electron systems, two-dimensional systems, and materials under high pressure. Apart from the usual invited and contributed lectures and posters there will be also room for short scientific communications.