Jul 3 – 6, 2017
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Conference Fee

Conference Fee

Regular and Student fees cover lunches, coffee breaks, conference proceedings, conference dinner and social events. Accompanying person fee includes conference dinner and social events.


Account owner: Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej PAN
                      ul. Radzikowskiego 152
                      31-342 Kraków, Poland
Bank Name:
Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego BGK
Oddział Kraków
ul. Pilotów 2, 31-462 Kraków


Account number:
When paying in PLN: PL 85 1130 1150 0012 1147 8020 0038
When paying in EUR: PL 80 1130 1150 0012 1147 8020 0031
Transfer title: P33309 + the name of the participant

  Before May 31 After May 31
 Regular  2000 PLN / 450 EUR 2500 PLN / 550 EUR
 Accompanying person  550 PLN / 120 EUR 650 PLN / 150 EUR
 Student  900 PLN / 200 EUR 1150 PLN / 250 EUR