3–6 Jul 2017
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Magnonic excitations in low dimensional inhomogeneous nanostructures

4 Jul 2017, 19:10
poster presentation Surfaces and interfaces Poster Session


Ms Dominika Kuźma (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)


`There is a continuous interest in a size reduction of the magnetic data storage devices. The most promising route to the miniaturization is offered by modern spintronics, also based on molecular magnetic materials, that allows one to control the architecture of individual spin arrangements to an unprecedented precision. In the poster we will present elementary excitations in selected linear and branched chains of spins consisting of segments differing in strength of magnetic coupling. Different kinds of anisotropy will be also considered. The method of calculations originates from the dynamical matrix technique [1]. The surface and interface response function (Green function) theory [2] will be used to treat the junctions of different segments. The surface and/or interface excitations (magnons) correspond to poles of the appropriate Green functions. For some parameters the excitations appear on the background of the bands of bulk waves, whereas in other cases they transform into finite-lived interface resonances. We also calculate reflection and transmission coefficients for the magnons at the junctions.` References [1] A.Wal Band structure, Brillouin zone, and condensation of states for an itinerant electron in a magnetic quantum dot, `$\textit{Physica B}$` `$\textbf{410}$`, 222–226 (2013). [2] L. Dobrzynski, A. Akjouj, B. Djafari-Rouhani, J. O. Vasseur, M. Bouazaoui, J. P. Vilcot, H. Al Wahsh, P. Zielinski, and J. P. Vigneron, Simple nanometric plasmon multiplexer, `$\textit{Phys. Rev. E}$` `$\textbf{69}$`, 035601(R) (2004).

Primary author

Ms Dominika Kuźma (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)


Prof. Andrzej Wal (University of Rzeszów) Prof. Federico Montoncello (Department of Physics, University of Ferrara) Dr Paweł Sobieszczyk (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN) Prof. Piotr Zieliński (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)

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