Jan 15 – 17, 2024
Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Cracow Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

On the relationship between seismic activity and other natural phenomena

Jan 17, 2024, 3:00 PM
Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Cracow Poland

Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Cracow Poland


Mikhail Kovalyov


I'm going to explain why why earthquakes are affected by tidal forces and then showing how quakes correlate with UAPs, using recent paper https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-49527-x. In the end, I would mention the 10.1-10.2 year lunar periodicity as a reference to the cosmo-seismic effect reported in https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2023.106068.

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