Jan 15 – 17, 2024
Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Cracow Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Modular Cosmic Ray Detector (MCORD) possible use in the cosmo-seismic project.

Not scheduled
Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Cracow Poland

Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Cracow Poland


Marcin Bielewicz (NCBJ - National Centre for Nuclear Research)


MCORD (Modular Cosmic Ray Detector) was designed as a tool that can be used both in large physics experiments and on a much smaller scale for observations in small projects. This is possible thanks to its segmented and scalable structure. The basic features of this detector will be presented as a tool that we propose to use when searching for local correlations between the level of earthquakes and the average flux of cosmic radiation reaching the Earth's surface.

Primary author

Marcin Bielewicz (NCBJ - National Centre for Nuclear Research)

Presentation materials

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