Nov 21 – 23, 2019
Silesian University in Opava
Europe/Prague timezone

Participants of the CREDO Project funded by the International Visegrad Fund meet at the Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic on November 21-23, 2019.

The Cosmic-Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory (CREDO) project will use the hunt for particle cascades from deep space as a vehicle for a unique ‘bottom-up’ approach to scientific research. By engaging the non-specialist public of all ages as ‘citizen scientists’ CREDO will create and widely offer an opportunity for lifelong learning for individuals as well as for cooperation and the sharing of common educational tools amongst institutions. The discoveries of these citizen scientists will feed directly into a pioneering new area of scientific research oriented on Cosmic Ray Ensembles (CRE). The detection (or non-detection) of such particle groups promises to open up a new method for exploring our universe. The opportunities this would create for cross-disciplinary research are significant and beneficial for individuals, networks of institutions and the global communities of both professional scientists and science enthusiasts.

The workshop will be focused on the scientific (both theoretical and experimental), organizational and fundraising aspects of the CREDO project. Special attention will be devoted to such objectives, as the integration of the CREDO data resources with existing open data networks, further improvement of public engagement through the collaboration with high schools, elementary schools and teachers and fundraising topics mainly related to forthcoming Horizon 2020 Science with and for Society (SwafS) calls. Furthermore, the workshop will serve as a platform for a Collaboration Meeting where the current issues of the CREDO collaboration can be raised in the form of presentations, round tables and individual discussions. 

The CREDO workshop is open to press and media representatives.

It is possible to use Vidyo to attend the meeting remotely. Videoconference will be available after opening the link:


The workshop is supported financially by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grant from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the Fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

Silesian University in Opava
Seminar Room, 4th floor
Bezručovo nám. 13, CZ-74601 Opava
Registration for this event is currently open.