Oct 1 – 5, 2018
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Conference information

The CREDO Week 2018 essential information
Tentative Agenda:
Day 1: Discoverology Workshop
If you do not have any idea what discoverlogy is, this is your chance to learn. If you want to read a bit before you decide please check here: https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.06235 

Day 2-3: CREDO School
If you are not familiar with any of the CREDO ingredients (software, hardware, science, public engagement, ...) consider attending the school with hands-on exercises. They are appropriate also for very beginners, those who consider joining the project.

Day 4: The CREDO 2nd Anniversary Symposium
Open symposium with distinguished guests, invited talks, media coverage, etc.

Day 5. CREDO Collaboration Meeting
Internal affairs like: MoU, Votes, Finance, Promotion, Reports, Perspectives, next Annual Meeting organizer... This one is for members only, but please keep in mind the CREDO membership rules: we are open, so anyone interested in participating in the Collaboration Meeting has to request the membership access by the end of Day 4 :)

Abstracts/Talks/Posters/Papers: Although we are not able to guarantee that all submited abstracts will be accommodated as talks, feel invited to propose your presentation. It will be also possible to present a limited number of posters. All accepted contributed papers are guaranteed to be published in the CREDO internal document: CREDO Week 2018 Book, possibly also in a good journal (negotiations are in progress).

Remote participation: In the Remote participation section you can find information how to take part in the conference if you can not come in person.

Conference fee: the organizers reserve the right to request a conference fee not larger than 50 EUR, to (partly) cover coffee breaks and the Conference Dinner. It will be announced not later than on September 5, 2018, if the number of registrants exceeds financial limitations of our grants.

Financial support: the organizers offer a limited financial support to partly cover accommodation and board of well motivated students and researchers. Applications should be sent before August 19, 2018, 9:00 CEST, to Piotr.Homola@ifj.edu.pl