20–24 May 2025
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Call for abstracts

Abstract submission for contributions of the conference participants is now open. Please use the one-page abstract template we provide. Remember that each figure included in the abstract must be sent as a separate PDF, PNG, PostScript (.eps) or JPG file. Follow the instructions in the template:  Zakopane2025_Abstract_Template.docx

The abstract file has to be named: Zakopane2025 – Name and Surname of the presenting author. The file can be saved as a Microsoft Office document (doc or docx) or as a LibreOffice/PDF document. The abstract should be attached to the email sent to: zakopane2025@ifj.edu.pl, entitled Zakopane2025 – Abstract – name, and surname of the presenting author.

Important dates:

Deadline for abstract submission (oral contributions): 15th March 2025
Early payment rate deadline: 31st March 2025
Deadline for abstract submission (posters): 30th April 2025
Deadline for registration and payment: 10th May 2025