Felix Wick
(University of Karlsruhe)
With growing datasets collected by the CDF II experiment, studies of the
spectroscopy of mesons containing heavy quarks becomes more exciting. The
CDF experiment has good capabilities in both charm and bottom sector. This
capability allowed also to contribute to the study of the Zoo of states
called X,Y,Z. In this area we present a recent update of the mass
measurement of X(3872). The result m(X(3872)) = 3871.61 +- 0.16 +- 0.19
MeV/c^2 is currently the most precise measurement in the world. In
addition, we report evidence for a new narrow resonance, Y(4140), the first
to be seen in the J/psi phi decay mode, using 2.7 fb-1 of exclusive
B+->J/psiphiK decays.
Primary author
The CDF Collaboration
(multiple institutions)