Andreas Richter
(Physikalisches Institut IV, Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg)
7/18/09, 9:00 AM
QCD in hadronic physics
Three distribution functions are needed to fully describe the nucleon at leading twist: the unpolarized distribution function q(x), the helicity distribution function $\Delta q(x)$ and the transversity spin distribution function $\Delta_T q(x)$. Transversity and transverse momentum-dependent parton distribution functions (TMDs) are been measured in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering...
Florian Haas
(Technische Universität München, Physik Department E18, 85748 Garching, Germany)
7/18/09, 9:25 AM
QCD in hadronic physics
on behalf of the COMPASS collaboration
In addition to constituent qq(bar) pair configurations, four quark states or
gluonic excitations like hybrids or glueballs are also expected to contribute to the mesonic spectrum.
The most promising way to identify such states allowed by QCD is the search for
J^PC quantum number combinations which are forbidden in the constituent
Ivana Hristova
7/18/09, 9:50 AM
QCD in hadronic physics
Exclusive production of $\pi^+$ mesons was studied with the HERMES
spectrometer at the DESY laboratory by scattering $27.6\,\mathrm{GeV}$ positrons and
electrons off a transversely nuclear-polarised hydrogen target.
The spin-averaged cross section was measured for values of the
virtuality of the exchanged photon $Q^2 > 1\,\mathrm{GeV}^2$ and the invariant
mass of the photon-nucleon system...
Johan Messchendorp
(KVI/University of Groningen/PANDA collaboration)
7/18/09, 10:10 AM
QCD in hadronic physics
The physics of strong interactions is undoubtedly one of the
most challenging areas of modern science. Quantum
Chromo Dynamics (QCD) is reproducing the physics phenomena
only at distances much shorter than the size of the nucleon,
where perturbation theory can be used yielding results of
high precision and predictive power. At larger distance
scales, however, perturbative methods...
Hans-Peter Morsch
(Institut fuer Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Juelich)
7/18/09, 11:00 AM
QCD in hadronic physics
Assuming a Lagrangian of the strong interaction slightly different from quantum chromodynamics - by replacing the non-Abelian Yang-Mills term by the coupling of two gluons to J(pi)=0+ (the quantum numbers of the vacuum) with subsequent creation of quarks and/or antiquarks - the confinement of quarks is well understood. Further, hadron masses are generated by requiring "massless" quarks, which...
Felix Wick
(University of Karlsruhe)
7/18/09, 11:20 AM
QCD in hadronic physics
With growing datasets collected by the CDF II experiment, studies of the
spectroscopy of mesons containing heavy quarks becomes more exciting. The
CDF experiment has good capabilities in both charm and bottom sector. This
capability allowed also to contribute to the study of the Zoo of states
called X,Y,Z. In this area we present a recent update of the mass
measurement of X(3872). The...
Robert Kaminski
(Insititute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
7/18/09, 11:40 AM
QCD in hadronic physics
Significant progress in description of pi-pi amplitudes has been
recently made [1,2]. We present amplitudes fitted both to well known and to newest experimental
data. In fits we use additional theoretical constraints from forward dispersion relations, sum rules
and from twice and once subtracted dispersion relations.
The latter two (so called Roy's and GKPY equations) are derived with...
Pablo G. Ortega
(University of Salamanca)
7/18/09, 11:55 AM
QCD in hadronic physics
In the last years a number of exciting discoveries of new hadron states have
challenged our description of the hadron spectroscopy. Among the several charmonium states (X(3940), Y(3940), Z(3930)) the most
mysterious one is the well established $X(3872)$. It was first discovered by
the Belle Collaboration in the $J/\psi \pi \pi$ invariant mass spectrum of the
decay $B\rightarrow K^+...
Tricomi Alessia
(University and INFN Catania)
7/18/09, 12:15 PM
QCD in hadronic physics
The LHCf detector is ready to take data at the LHC accelerator at CERN. The
whole detector has been installed at the beginning of 2008 on both side of LHC
collision point 1 (IP1) and the commissioning phase is in a well advanced stage.
Thanks to the excellent energy and position resolution of the two sampling
calorimeters, LHCf will be able to measure the pion production cross section...