16–22 Jul 2009
Kraków, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

CMOS Pixel Sensors for High Precision Beam Telescopes and Vertex Detectors

18 Jul 2009, 12:10
Small Hall (Kraków, Poland)

Small Hall

Kraków, Poland

The Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University 33 Krupnicza Street 31-123 Kraków
Detectors (LHC and R&D) and Accelerators IV. Detectors (LHC and R&D) and Accelerators


Rita De Masi (IPHC-Strasbourg)


CMOS sensors of the MIMOSA (standing for Minimum Ionising particle MOS Active pixel sensor) series are developped at IPHC since a decade and have ended up with full scale devices used in beam telescopes and in demonstrators of future vertex detectors. The sensors deliver analogue, unfiltered, signals and are therefore limited to read-out frequencies of ~1 kframe/s. Since a few years, a fast architecture is being developed in collaboration with IRFU, which aims to speed up the read-out by 1-2 ordres of magnitude. The first full scale sensor based on this architecture was fabricated recently and is being tested. Made of 660,000 pixels (18 μm pitch) covering an active area of ~2 cm2, it delivers zero-suppressed binary signals, which allow running at ~10 kframes/s. It will equip the beam telescope of the E.U. project EUDET and serve as a forerunner of the sensor equipping the 2 layers of the PIXEL detector of the STAR experiment at RHIC. The contribution to the conference will overview the main features and test results of this pioneering sensor. It will next describe its evolution towards read-out frequencies approaching 100 kframes/s, as required for the vertex detectors of the CBM experiment at FAIR and at the ILC. Finally, the issue of radiation tolerance will be addressed, in the context of a newly available CMOS process using a depleted substrate. A prototype sensor was fabricated in a such CMOS process. The talk will summarise beam test results showing, for the first time, that fluences of 1014 neq/cm2 may be tolerable for CMOS sensors. Overall, the talk provides an oveview of the status and plans of CMOS pixel sensors at the frontier of their achievements and outreach.

Primary author

Rita De Masi (IPHC-Strasbourg)


Abdelkader Himmi (IPHC-Strasbourg) Andrea Brogna (IPHC-Strasbourg) Andrei Dorokhov (IPHC-Strasbourg) Cayetano Santos (IPHC-Strasbourg) Christine Hu-Guo (IPHC-Strasbourg) Claude Colledani (IPHC-Strasbourg) Fabienne Orsini (IRFU / SEDI, CEA) Frederic Morel (IPHC-Strasbourg) Georgios Voutsinas (IPHC-Strasbourg) Geremy Bertolone (IPHC-Strasbourg) Gilles Claus (IPHC-Strasbourg) Guy Doziere (IPHC-Strasbourg) Isabelle Valin (IPHC-Strasbourg) Jean-Charles Fontaine (IPHC-Strasbourg) Jerome Baudot (IPHC-Strasbourg) Kimmo Jaaskelainen (IPHC-Strasbourg) Marc Winter (IPHC-Strasbourg) Marie Gelin (IRFU / SEDI, CEA) Mathieu Goffe (IPHC-Strasbourg) Mathieu Specht (IPHC-Strasbourg) Michael Deveaux (IFK-Frankfurt) Mihal Koziel (IPHC-Strasbourg) Wojciech Dulinski (IPHC-Strasbourg) Yavusz Degerli (IRFU / SEDI, CEA)

Presentation materials