Seminaria Instytutowe

European Spallation Source - five years of construction by IFJ PAN

by Dariusz Bocian (IFJ PAN)


On 31.01.2022 IFJ PAN completed 5-years of involvement in the construction of the European Spallation Source via Polish in-kind contribution, financed by program of Ministry of Science and Higher Education. During this period IFJ PAN executed three tasks agreed in Technical Annexes to the In-Kind Agreement which was signed between IFJ PAN and ESS in 2016.

In this talk, first I will present the history and the scientific and technical background of Division of Scientific Equipment and Infrastructure Construction (DAI) which led us to agree and execute the highly specialized work for ESS. Second, I will give an overview of ESS and the construction, testing and commissioning work which was completed by our scientific and engineering team in the years 2017-2022.