Seminaria Oddziału II

Systematic analysis of nuclear reactions with a neutron rich projectile on multiple targets at intermediate energies

by Mr Upadhyaya Sahil (Jagiellonian University)

Europe/Warsaw (zoom)


Heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energy range (10-100 MeV/A) have been studied since a long time. These studies are used to put constraints on the symmetry energy term (Esym) of the nuclear equation-of-state (EoS). The Esym can be investigated by studying the isospin (N/Z) transport in these nuclear reactions.

The FAZIA (Four-π A and Z Identification Array) collaboration aimed at improving the charged particle identification techniques such as pulse-shape analysis (PSA) and ∆E−E method. After many years of R & D, the FAZIA detector is now capable of a full Z identification and A identification up to Z ∼ 25. With this excellent isotopic resolution capability, it is possible to study the N/Z of the reaction products from nuclear reactions at intermediate energies.

This research work is focused on the analysis of the data from the FAZIA-PRE experiment performed at LNS-INFN, Italy in February 2018. The objective of the experiment was to study the effects of pre-equilibrium neutron emissions from a neutron rich projectile on the N/Z of reaction products. A neutron rich projectile (48Ca) was bombarded on 3 different targets (12C, 27Al and 40Ca) at 25 and 40 MeV/A. The dependence of the target mass and beam energy on various reaction observables such as charge, mass, multiplicity of charged particles, longitudinal (parallel) velocity and fragment isospin (N/Z) was studied. Furthermore, a detailed comparison of experimental data with the HIPSE model simulations was also done in order to study HIPSE’s performance with respect to intermediate energy nuclear reactions.


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Adam Maj