Seminaria Instytutowe

Future Compact star Observations that could confirm the existence of a Critical End Point in the QCD phase diagram

by David Alvarez (IFJ PAN)


The long standing debate on the existence of a critical end point in the QCD phase diagram can be potentially settled down by upcoming compact star observations. The so-called ”mass twins stars” scenario demands a strong first order phase transition in dense nuclear matter, therefore it will be the main subject of my talk.gOur understanding of the cold, dense nuclear matter in neutron star interiors has suffered a dramatic revolution during the recent years. On the one hand, laboratory experiments have been able to probe the high densities that comprise the equation of state (EoS) of dense nuclear matter. On the other hand, multi-messenger astronomy observations have brought new physical constraints that narrow the parameter space of the different EoS models. There is however, certain tension between astrophysical and laboratory measurements, with the mass twins being one possible resolution. One practical way to implement all the currently available constraints for compact star matter is to perform a Bayesian analysis, useful both for model comparison and statistical inference. Results from this type of analysis that include the mass twins configurations will be presented.