Alexander Belushkin
(Frank Lab. Neutron Physics, JINR)
The talk will give an overview of some recent results obtained in the field of nanostructure characterization using neutron scattering methods. Brief descriptions of full reflectometry (specular, off-specular and grazing incidence small-angle neutron scattering) method are discussed. Applications of these methods for solving different problems of molecular systems on a surface will be presented. Among the examples is the behavior of bicontinuous microemulsions near the hydrophilic surfaces, mechanism of the pregnancy tests operation and modeling of the full reflectivity signal from different model systems using numerical methods. Accent is made on the illustration of the advantages of neutron methods in solving specific questions and on the complementary use of neutron and synchrotron radiation techniques.
Primary author
Alexander Belushkin
(Frank Lab. Neutron Physics, JINR)