Dec 3 – 6, 2019
Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN
Europe/Warsaw timezone

The 5th Workshop on ab initio phonon calculations will be organized in the Institute of Nuclear Physics on December 3-6, 2019. From the beginning, the workshop was focused on the first-principles studies with a special emphasis on lattice-dynamical properties of materials. During the previous workshops, the lectures and posters presented recent developments in the computational techniques and softwares as well as applications of these methods to current scientific problems.

Phonons play an important role in solids and determine the thermal properties of all kinds of materials. Lattice vibrations are responsible for such phenomena like superconductivity and structural phase transitions. Many relevant quantities such as heat capacity, thermal expansion, mean-square displacements, dielectric functions, electric and heat conductivity can be derived from phonon spectra.

The aim of this workshop is to provide the fundamentals of phonon calculations based on the ab initio methods and present the applications of such methods to numerous physical problems. The lectures on the computational programs are presented by the experts who create and develop computer packages (VASP, Wien2k, Phonon, Alamode, TDEP).

Recent achievements in experimental and sample preparation techniques enable to study new classes of materials ranging from complex oxide heterostructures to very small nano-objects (like monoatomic layers or nanoparticles). This challenges the computational methods and stimulates further progress in theoretical physics. On the other hand, the information obtained from the calculations is very supportive for experiments such as the inelastic neutron and X-ray scattering, nuclear inelastic scattering, infrared and Raman measurements.
The workshop is a good opportunity for the experts from different areas of condensed matter physics to meet and discuss, and often it becomes a starting point of new studies and new collaborations.

The workshop in 2019 will present the recent theoretical and experimental achievements in a broad range of research fields such as:

  • progress in computational methods
  • anharmonic properties
  • phonons in nanomaterials
  • phase transitions and stability of materials
  • phonons in strongly correlated systems
  • superconductivity
  • phonons in defected crystals
  • thermal conductivity
  • functional materials

Steering Committee:

  • Krzysztof Parlinski (Chairman)
  • Peter Blaha
  • Mark Johnson
  • Andrzej M. Oleś
  • Helmut Schober

Organizing Committee:

  • Przemysław Piekarz
  • Paweł T. Jochym
  • Konrad Kapcia
  • Jan Łażewski
  • Svitlana Pastukh
  • Andrzej Ptok
  • Olga Sikora
  • Małgorzata Sternik
  • Urszula D. Wdowik
Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN
Main lecture hall
Radzikowskiego 152 31-342 Kraków, Poland