2:00 PM
Welcoming remarks
Simkovic Fedor
2:05 PM
Cosmic-Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory: novel astrophysical potential and beyond
Piotr Homola
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
2:40 PM
CREDO science case
Dariusz Gora
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
2:50 PM
CREDO on-line experiments: the scenarios
Niraj Dhital
(Institute of nuclear Physics, Polish academy of sciences)
3:00 PM
ACC CYFRONET AGH: super-compputing center for CREDO
Marek Magryś
(ACC Cyfronet AGH)
3:05 PM
CREDO server: data storage and access
Maciej Pawlik
(ACC Cyfronet AGH)
3:15 PM
CREDO Mobile Application
Michał Niedźwiecki
(Cracow University of Technology)
3:25 PM
CREDO gaming
Paweł Kuszka
3:35 PM
CREDO multidisciplinary: first thoughts on impact on biosystems
Dmitriy Beznosko
(Nazarbayev University)
3:40 PM
CREDO multidisciplinary: first thoughts on earthquake prediction
Péter Kovács
(Wigner RCP)
3:45 PM
Societal importance of citizen science
Catherine Bodeau-Pean
3:55 PM
Closing remarks
Piotr Homola
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
4:00 PM
Tandem for CREDO smartphones
Miroslav Jeskovsky