9–13 Jun 2025
Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences
Europe/Warsaw timezone


1st Summer School on InfraRed Nanospectro-imaging

Registration is open
Deadline 1 Apr 2025
Contact info

The form allows for the registration for 1st Summer School on InfraRed Nanospectro-imaging 2025.

Day I (9th of July): lectures & welcome cocktail.
Lectures held on the first day of the event are open to all interested participants. During the first day of the event the welcome cocktail will be organized from 7:00 p.m. Registration and payment (35,00 EUR fee) are required.

Summer School (9th to 13th July).
The registration is open for students and young scientists and include participation in all lectures as well as practical experiments. The registration fee (300,00 EUR) covers welcome cocktail, coffe breakes and lunches as well as Conference Dinner. LABSOFT Sp. z o.o. sponsors accommodation for Summer School Participants. Please contact us for more details: irniss2025@ifj.edu.pl.

Participation in this event is moderated
The organisers will have to approve your application.
Summer School participation

The registration is open for students and young scientists and include participation in all lectures as well as practical experiments. The fee covers welcome cocktail, coffe breakes and lunches as well as Conference Dinner. LABSOFT Sp. z o.o. sponsors accommodation for Summer School Participants. Please contact us for more details (irniss2025@ifj.edu.pl).

This part should be also filled out by participants who will take part only in the first day's lectures and will not attend the practical experiments during the Summer School (10th–13th June 2025). Lectures held on the first day of the event are open to all interested participants. During the first day of the event the welcome cocktail will be organized from 7:00 p.m.

Select a choice
  • Total Summer School Participants (PhD students & Young Scientist)
  • Participation in the lectures on June 9th, 2025
  • Invited Speakers
  • Organizing Committee

Controller's Information on the Processing of Personal Data in Connection with Participation in the "Summer School on InfraRed Nanospectro-imaging 2025" Workshops

Pursuant to art. 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016 (Official Journal of the European Union L 119 of 4 May 2016), on the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (Official Journal of the European Union L 119 of 04.05.2016, p. 1, as amended) (hereinafter: GDPR), we inform you that:

  1. The controller of your personal data is the Director of the Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Kraków, Poland.
  2. You can contact the Data Protection Officer at dpo@ifj.edu.pl.
  3. Your personal data will be processed based on:

a) art. 6, item. 1 letter b of the General Data Protection Regulation (processing necessary for the execution of the workshop participation contract); b) personal data obtained for issuing access badges and data from video surveillance covering the area of IFJ PAN will be processed based on art. 6 letter f of the General Data Protection Regulation, i.e., the legitimate interest of the data controller, and by the Regulations on Access to IFJ PAN, for security purposes, c) art. 6 letter c of the General Data Protection Regulation in connection with the provisions of the Accounting Act of 29 September 1994 for book-keeping and tax documentation managing, d) art. 6 letter a of the General Data Protection Regulation – if you consent to the recording and distribution of your image – for posting on the social media site "Facebook" of the Department of Biological Physics and Nanospectroscopy, the workshop website (irniss2025.ifj.edu.pl), and the Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences website (www.ifj.edu.pl), e) art. 6 letter a of the General Data Protection Regulation – if you consent to participate in the conference dinner and related processing of dietary preferences data.

Subsequently, your data will be stored to fulfil the document archiving obligation arising from the Act of July 14, 1983, on the National Archival Resource and Archives.

  1. Your data may be shared with the following recipients or categories of recipients:
  • Providers of necessary services based on appropriate contracts (ZOOM platform),
  • All individuals with Internet access and access to publicly available photos from the event,
  • Entities entitled to obtain personal data under provisions of law (e.g. the police, court, tax authorities).
  1. Your personal data will be stored:
  • Under the provisions of the law on archiving documents and in accordance with the Uniform Material List of Files in force at IFJ PAN for a period of 5 years, counting from 1 February of the year following the final settlement of the case (data necessary for the purpose of the organization and accounting of the conference), or for the period of limitation of claims specified in the provisions of law;
  • Personal data from video surveillance will be stored for no longer than 90 days, and if the recording serves or may serve as evidence in legal proceedings, it will be stored until the final conclusion of such proceedings. Personal data provided for access to IFJ PAN will be stored based on the document archiving provisions and by the current Unified Material List of Documents at IFJ PAN – for 10 years, starting from February 1 of the year following the final resolution of the matter,
  • For the preparation of appropriate meals during the conference – until the conclusion of the conference or until consent for processing is withdrawn, o Personal data in the form of an image will be stored until the purpose of processing ceases, for 1 year or until consent for processing is withdrawn.
  1. Your personal data will not be subject to automated processing, including profiling.
  2. You have the right to request the exercise of your rights under the GDPR, including:
  • Access to your data and obtain a copy of it,
  • Rectification (correction) of your data,
  • Withdrawal of consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal, in order to withdraw your consent, please send an e-mail to irniss2025@ifj.edu.pl
  • Deletion of personal data (except when processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation),
  • Restriction of data processing,
  • Objection to processing.
  1. You have the right to file a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office (at the address of the Personal Data Protection Office, Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw; www.uodo.gov.pl) if you believe that your personal data is being processed in violation of legal requirements.
  2. Providing your personal data is voluntary. Failure to provide the data referred to in points 3(a), 3(b), and 3(c) will result in the inability to participate in the event. Failure to provide the data referred to in point 3(d) will not have any consequences. Failure to provide the data referred to in point 3(e) will result in the inability to prepare a meal according to your dietary preferences.
Please select your meal preference:
Details for the bank transfer
  1. ACCOUNT HOLDER: Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej PAN, Radzikowskiego 152, PL 31-342, Krakow, Poland
  2. BANK NAME AND ADRESS: Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, Region Malopolski, Promienistych 1, PL 31-481, Krakow, Poland
  4. IBAN FOR PAYMENTS: PL80 1130 1150 0012 1147 8020 0031
  5. TRANSFER TITTLE: IRNISS 2025, First name Last name - registration fee

Please note that your registration is not effective until the fee payment is received.

Register today, as the number of available spots for the Summer School is limited!

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