Jun 3 – 5, 2024
Humenne, Slovakia
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Participant List

23 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Andre Sopczak IEAP, CTU in Prague
Arman Tursunov Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy
David Álvarez Castillo Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS
Emmanuel Chaniotakis Ellinogermaniki Agogi
Giovanni Aimo Aeroclub d'Italia
Jerzy Pryga University of the National Education Commission
Krzysztof Wozniak Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS, Krakow, Poland
Luciano Battocchio LB Space srl
MIkhail Kovalyov Emeritus, University of Alberta
Ophir Ruimi HUJI & JGU
Paolo Tealdi I.I.S. "Cigna-Baruffi-Garelli" - Mondovì (ITALY)
Pavol Dubovsky Vihorlat Observatory in Humene
Robert Kaminski Insititute of Nuclear Physics PAN
Sławomir Stuglik Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN
Vincent Dubourg CNES France
8 more participants