Seminaria Oddziału IV

A survey of double-logarithmic asymptotics for space-like parton distributions

by Yizhuang Liu

4402 (IFJ PAN)



In this talk, I present a survey of factorization formulas organized by the heavy-light Sudakov hard kernel 
for various space-like (below-threshold) parton distributions used in lattice formulation of parton distributions. 
I show how  the heavy-light Sudakov hard kernel, when combined with soft and collinear factors, leads to factorized
 leading-power asymptotics  for quasi transverse-momentum dependent (TMD) PDFs and wave-functions in the 
TMD limits, as well as the perturbative  matching kennel for collinear quasi-PDFs in the threshold limit. I discuss
practical applications as well as theoretical properties  of these factorization formulas such as determination of TMD 
quantities from lattice and the pattern of renormalon cancellation between leading and next to leading power.