25 August 2024 to 1 September 2024
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Abstract Submission

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Participants willing to present a seminar or a poster are kindly asked to submit a short abstract not later than April 21, 2024.

Received abstracts will be reviewed and selected for a seminar or a poster presentation.

Authors of seminars and posters will be notified of their abstract acceptance by email after May 10, 2024. Seminar length will be limited to 15 minutes (12 minutes presentation and 3 minutes for discussion). Authors of the posters are expected to present and discuss their work at the poster session.

Abstracts for Invited talks are also expected to be uploaded at the lecturers earliest convenience, but no later than May 31, 2024.

Please submit your one-page abstract through the form below using a given template (download template). We ask you to submit your abstract in PDF and LaTeX (.tex) format.

You will be asked to create an Indico account using your work e-mail address to submit a new abstract. If you are using a private e-mail address please contact zakopane@ifj.edu.pl first.

The call for abstracts is closed.