Seminaria Instytutowe

Future Circular Collider - The future of opportunities

by Marcin Chrząszcz (IFJ PAN)


The FCC-ee is a high-luminosity, high-precision e+e- circular collider. Two separate e+ and e- storage rings with very strong focusing, fed by a full size continuous injector, provide e+e- collision luminosities ranging from (per interaction point) 230 1034 /cm2 /s at the Z pole, 8 1034 /cm2 /s at the ZH production maximum (240 GeV) and 1.7 1034 /cm2 /s at the tt threshold and up to 365 GeV. Two to four interaction points are considered.

The run plan of 15-20 years yields 5 10^12 Z bosons, 10^8 W pairs, 1.3 10^6 Higgs bosons and 10^6 top quark pairs. Thanks to the availability of transverse polarization, the energy calibration at 100 keV precision offers unprecedented precision for measurements of Z and W properties. The possibility of s-channel Higgs production at ECM=125 GeV is under study, giving unique access to the electron Yukawa coupling. These opportunities make the FCC-ee stand out among the other Higgs factory proposals.

Especially at the Z run, considerable challenges await experimenters and theorists, for systematic uncertainties to match the extraordinary available statistical precision.