Speaker: Marta Babicz (IFJ PAN) Title: “Event filtering in the ICARUS T600 detector for the Short-Baseline Neutrino (SBN) experiment at Fermilab” Abstract: The SBN experiment inscribes in an extensive experimental programme of searches for sterile neutrino (neutrinos), whose existence is one of the fundamental open questions of neutrino physics. In the SBN oscillation experiment, the ICARUS detector will act as a far station and operate at shallow depths, facing challenging experimental conditions because of being exposed to a huge cosmic ray background. Therefore, it will be fundamental to distinguish the neutrino beams’ signals from those induced by cosmic rays. Even within the short beam trigger window, cosmic rays are expected to outnumber neutrino interactions by more than three to one. A machine-learning-based approach to separate neutrino interactions from cosmic backgrounds as an offline event filtering tool will be presented.