Seminaria Instytutowe

Study of Medical Radioisotopes Using AIC-144 Cyclotron

by Arshiya Ahmad (IFJ PAN)


Radioactivity plays a vital role in medical diagnostics and radiotherapy, with the choice of radionuclides depending on their decay properties and production feasibility. While low-energy nuclear reactions (up to 30 MeV) are well-documented, data for intermediate-energy protons remain limited. This study investigates the production of non-standard medical radionuclides using proton beams up to 60 MeV, focusing on the cross-sections for producing different Sc, Ga, Ge, As, and Nd isotopes. Gamma spectroscopy was employed to determine radionuclide production cross-section and purity. Our findings provide new cross-section data, improving nuclear reaction models and enhancing radionuclide production for medical applications.