Seminaria Instytutowe

External heating of a tokamak plasma and transport of heavy impurities - one of the key problems of thermonuclear fusion

by Marek Scholz (IFJ PAN)


Reaching thermonuclear temperatures in tokamaks requires additional heating of the plasma. Additional heating systems are based on injection of beams of neutral atoms or electromagnetic (e-m) waves. With the decision to use heavy metallic elements like tungsten for plasma-facing components in ITER, the in-depth understanding of the interaction between high-Z impurity ions e-m waves is of crucial importance. This key problem can be investigated extensively in the WEST tokamak at an ITER-relevant radio frequency power level. In this seminar, we would like to present the results of our research related to the heating of fusion plasmas containing high-Z impurities by an external e-m waves source.