Adam Kozela
(Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej PAN)
7/17/09, 4:30 PM
Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
Both components of the transverse electron polarization emitted in the beta decay of polarized, free neutron have been measured at cold neutron spallation source SINQ (PSI, Villigen).
The T-odd, P-odd correlation coefficient associated with polarization component perpendicular to the neutron polarization and electron momentum, was found to be R= 0.008+/-0.015.
This value is consistent...
Amir Rahimi
7/17/09, 4:45 PM
Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
We present updates on the searches for three $D^0 \to V \eta$ decays, where the $D^0$ comes from the decay $D^{*+}\to D^0 \pi^+$ and $V$ is a $\phi$, $\omega$ or $K^*$ vector meson. These results use a 467~fb$^{-1}$ data sample collected with the {\sl B{\scriptsize A}B{\scriptsize AR}} detector at SLAC.
James Morris
(The Ohio State University)
7/17/09, 5:00 PM
Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
We present preliminary results of the search for the doubly-radiative
decay $D^{0} \rightarrow \gamma \gamma$ and the measurement of the
branching fraction of its associated background $D^{0} \rightarrow
\pi^{0}\pi^{0}$ in a data sample corresponding to an integrated
luminosity of ~470fb$^{-1}$ collected with the BaBar detector at the
PEP-II asymmetric $e^{+} e^{-}$ collider at SLAC. ...
Christophe Royon
(IRFU-SPP, CEA Saclay)
7/17/09, 5:15 PM
Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
We present a new method to test the Standard Model expectations at the LHC
using photon-induced WW production. Both W decay in the main ATLAS or CMS
detectors while scattered protons are measured in forward detectors.
The sensitivity to anomalous WW gamma quartic and triple gauge coupling can be improved
respectively by more than three orders of magnitude or
a factor 30 compared to the...
laurent schoeffel
(CEA Saclay)
7/17/09, 5:30 PM
Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
We discuss the perspectives concerning a better determination of the proton structure in terms of quarks and gluons at LHC after describing the results coming from HERA and Tevatron. In a second part of the review, we describe the diffractive phenomena at HERA and Tevatron and the consequences for LHC. The focus will be given on perspectives for LHC, essentially on early measurements that...
Paul Hunt
(University of Warsaw)
7/17/09, 5:45 PM
Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
The primordial power spectrum is important both for cosmological parameter estimation and for distinguishing between models of inflation. Many cosmological observables which probe inhomogenities are related to the power spectrum by a convolution with a transfer function. We show how two different deconvolution techniques, Tikhonov regularisation and the Backus-Gilbert method, can be used to...
Joseph Conlon
(Oxford University)
7/17/09, 6:00 PM
Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
I discuss string phenomenology, gauge threshold corrections and LARGE volume models. I describe scenarios for moduli stabilisation and supersymmetry breaking.