Michal Malinsky
(KTH Stockholm)
7/18/09, 9:00 AM
Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
The current status of the non-supersymmetric SO(10) GUTs is discussed from the point of view of the high scale unification of the running gauge couplings. The new refined analysis shows that, on the contrary to the common lore, several breaking chains are still perfectly compatible with the current phenomenological constraints imposed namely by the absolute neutrino mass scale and the proton...
Eun-Kyung Park
(Physics Institute of Bonn University)
7/18/09, 9:15 AM
Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
We investigate phenomenology of an SO(10) model which features two-step intermediate scale symmetry breaking, $SO(10) \to SU(4)_C \times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \to SU(3)_C \times U(1)_{B-L} \times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \to SU(3)_C \times SU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y$. We compare the low energy phenomenology of our model to mSUGRA with scalar masses, gaugino masses and trilinear couplings, which are...
Takaaki Nomura
(Saitama University)
7/18/09, 9:30 AM
Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
We analyze a gauge-Higgs unification model which is based on a gauge theory defined on a six-dimensional spacetime with an $S^2$ extra-space. We impose a symmetry condition for a gauge field and non-trivial boundary conditions of the $S^2$. We provide the scheme for constructing a four-dimensional theory from the six-dimensional gauge theory under these conditions. We then construct a concrete...
Diego Guadagnoli
(Technical University Munich)
7/18/09, 9:45 AM
Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
After a short overview of the hypothesis of Yukawa Unification within
SUSY GUTs, I report on its viability in the light of the predictions
for quark masses, EW precision data and FCNC processes.
In particular, I discuss the phenomenological difficulties existing
when universalities for the soft SUSY-breaking terms at the GUT scale
are assumed, and how these difficulties can be overcome...
James Gray
(University of Oxford)
7/18/09, 10:00 AM
Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
I will briefly review some aspects of recent work in heterotic string and M-theory as applied to string phenomenology. Emphasis will be placed on describing the strengths and weaknesses of this type of string construction as related to both model building and moduli stabilization.
Marco Zagermann
(MPI for Physics, Munich)
7/18/09, 11:00 AM
Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
During the past decade, the study of the cosmological implications of string theory has evolved into a very active and fruitful field of research. The remarkable progress in this area is to a large extent driven by the impressive advances in observational cosmology as well as by important theoretical progress, in particular, regarding the problem of moduli stabilization in string...
Pablo G. Camara
(Ecole Polytechnique)
7/18/09, 11:30 AM
Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
We briefly review the different approaches to model building within type IIB string theory and show the utility of open string wavefuntions for computing 4D physical couplings, such as Yukawa couplings. In the second part of the talk we report on some of the recent developments in extending these techniques to compactifications with closed string fluxes or with non-diagonal magetization.
Jen-Chi Lee
(National Chiao-Tung University)
7/18/09, 12:00 PM
Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
We calculate high energy massive string scattering amplitudes of open bosonic string in the
Regge regime (RR). We found that the number of high energy amplitudes for each fixed mass level
in the RR is much more numerous than that of Gross regime (GR) calculated previously. Moreover,
we discover that the leading order amplitudes in the RR can be expressed in terms of the Kummer
function of...
Maciej Trzetrzelewski
(Jagiellonian University)
7/18/09, 12:15 PM
Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
We explicitly construct a (unique) Spin(9)xSU(2) singlet state, involving only the fermionic degrees of freedom, corresponding to the supermembrane/M-theory matrix-model. Any ground state of the theory evaluated at the origin must be proportional to the state. (based on arXiv:0809.5270).