Jared Yamaoka
(University of Duke), Dr
Jared Yamaoka
(Duke University)
7/17/09, 9:00 AM
Higgs and New Physics
The production of chargino-neutralino pairs and their subsequent leptonic decays
is one of the most promising supersymmetry (SUSY) signatures at the Tevatron
proton- antiproton collider. We present here the most recent results on the search
for the three-lepton and missing-transverse-energy SUSY signature using data
collected with the CDF and D0 detectors. At CDF, chargino-neutralino...
Claudio Gatti
(Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - INFN)
7/17/09, 9:20 AM
Higgs and New Physics
Several models predict the existence of new particles leading to final states with high pT leptons.
New heavy resonances may decay to dilepton or lepton with missing ET. Leptoquarks and Left-Right
symmetric models lead to final states with leptons and jets. Models with substructure predict excited states of quarks and leptons leading to final states with lepton plus photon. The prospect...
Matthias Mozer
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
7/17/09, 9:40 AM
Higgs and New Physics
Many proposed models of new physics predict yet undiscovered particles which decay with high branching fractions into quarks, such as extra gauge boson or fourth generation quarks. The high branching fractions to quarks make searches in channels with jets in the final state attractive for investigations at low integrated luminosities or new phenomena with low production cross sections. The...
Lorenzo Basso
(PhD student)
7/17/09, 10:00 AM
Higgs and New Physics
We present the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) discovery
potential in the $Z'$ and heavy neutrino sectors of a $U(1)_{B-L}$
enlarged Standard Model also encompassing three heavy Majorana
neutrinos. This model exhibits novel signatures at the LHC,
the most interesting arising from a $Z'$ decay chain involving
heavy neutrinos, eventually decaying into leptons and jets. In
particular, this...
Enrique Palencia
7/17/09, 10:15 AM
Higgs and New Physics
We present the latest Tevatron results in searches for rare and exotic processes requiring photons in the final state. The presentation will include high-Pt searches in the final states with one or two photons plus other high-Pt objects including leptons and missing transverse energy. New limits from a search for a Fermiobphobic Higgs in the diphoton final state are also presented.
Michel Jaffre
(Laboratoire de l Accelerateur Lineaire, Orsay, France)
7/17/09, 11:00 AM
Higgs and New Physics
At hadron colliders, new massive particles can be searched for by the observation
of high tranverse momentum objects forming high-mass resonances. Searches for additional massive vector bosons (W',Z'), Randall-Sundrum gravitons and sneutrinos in R-parity violating scenarios are performed in dilepton, dijets and diboson final states. The most recent results from the CDF and D0 experiments at...
Viatcheslav Valuev
7/17/09, 11:20 AM
Higgs and New Physics
Models with extra dimensions have been proposed to solve
outstanding problems of the Standard Model. In some of those
models the strength of gravity is increased at TeV energies
and unified with the electroweak interaction.
New studies are presented on the sensitivity to searches for
new gauge bosons, such as W' and Z' bosons and other high mass
resonances, as predicted e.g. by...
Andrea Giammanco
7/17/09, 11:35 AM
Higgs and New Physics
Studies of the CMS and ATLAS collaborations are presented on the sensitivity to
searches for long-lived massive particles. Such particles appear for example
in particular SUSY, Extra Dimensions and Hidden Valley models. We show the
challenges to trigger and reconstruction posed by such particles, and how
CMS and ATLAS plan to solve them. Particular emphasis is given to possible...
fabio happacher
7/17/09, 11:50 AM
Higgs and New Physics
We report a study of multi-muon events produced at the Fermilab Tevatron collider and recorded by the CDF II detector. In a data set acquired with a dedicated dimuon trigger and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2100pb-1, we isolate a significant sample of events in which at least one of the muon candidates is produced outside of the beam pipe of radius of 1.5 cm. The production...
Mark Williams
(Lancaster University / Fermilab)
7/17/09, 12:10 PM
Higgs and New Physics
We report on a study of events containing at least two muons produced in
ppbar collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV, performed at the D0 experiment
using data corresponding to 0.9 fb-1 of integrated luminosity collected
during 2008. Motivated by a recent claim of an excess in muons produced at
large radius by the CDF collaboration, we study muons that appear to be
produced with a radius between...
David Miller
(University of Glasgow)
7/17/09, 2:30 PM
Higgs and New Physics
I will discuss the predictions of a constrained version of the exceptional supersymmetric standard model (cE6SSM), with a universal high energy soft scalar mass, soft trilinear coupling and soft gaugino mass. The spectrum includes a light gluino, a light wino-like neutralino and chargino pair and a light bino-like neutralino, with other sparticle masses except the lighter stop being much...
Giacomo Cacciapaglia
(IPN Lyon)
7/17/09, 2:50 PM
Higgs and New Physics
We discuss the unique 6 dimensional geometry where a stable Dark Matter candidate arises without imposing any extra discrete symmetry. The KK parity is part of the residual Lorentz symmetry of the compact space due to the absence of fixed points. We will discuss the spectrum of the Standard Model on this 6D background and identify the candidate as a massive scalar photon. Finally, we will...
Jackson Wu
(Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Bern)
7/17/09, 3:10 PM
Higgs and New Physics
We study in an effective operator approach how the effects of new physics from various scenarios that contain an extra $Z'$ neutral gauge boson or doubly charged scalars, can affect and thus be tested by the precision polarized M\o{}ller scattering experiments. We give Wilson coefficients for various classes of generic models, and we deduce constraints on the parameter space of the relevant...
Dennis D. Dietrich
(University of Southern Denmark)
7/17/09, 3:30 PM
Higgs and New Physics
In technicolour theories the electroweak symmetry is broken by chiral symmetry breaking in an additional strongly interacting sector added to the standard model without elementary Higgs sector.
Quasiconformal technicolour models with matter in higher representations of the technicolour gauge group are viable candidates for breaking the electroweak symmetry dynamically. They are not at odds...
Maria Krawczyk
(University of Warsaw)
7/17/09, 3:45 PM
Higgs and New Physics
We study 2HDM with an Z2 symmetry conserved both at the Lagrangian level and in
states, assuming Model I for the Yukawa interaction. Such model can offer a candidate for a dark matter. We consider possible evolution of Universe after EWSB phase transition to the present Inert phase.
Max Baak
7/17/09, 4:30 PM
Higgs and New Physics
Physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) can change the prediction of the electroweak precision observables. Such effects can be parametrised in terms of effective, so-called {\it oblique} parameters. A global fit of the electroweak SM, as recently performed with the Gfitter package, allows one to determine the oblique parameters and to derive constraints on new physics. In this talk, the...
Jose Ramon Espinosa
(IFAE, Barcelona)
7/17/09, 4:45 PM
Higgs and New Physics
Extrapolating the Standard Model to high scales using the renormalisation
group, three possibilities arise, depending on the mass of the Higgs
boson: if the Higgs mass is large enough the Higgs self-coupling may blow
up, entailing some new non-perturbative dynamics; if the Higgs mass is
small the effective potential of the Standard Model may reveal an
instability; or the Standard Model...
Klaus Desch
(University of Bonn)
7/17/09, 5:00 PM
Higgs and New Physics
With the advent of the LHC, low-energy Supersymmetry can be probed over the largest part of the theoretically motivated parameter space. Based on detailed experimental studies by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, we investigate to what extent the parameters of the MSSM as well as of constrained models such as mSugra and GMSB can be measured as a function of the integrated luminosity ranging...
Gerhard Brandt
7/17/09, 5:15 PM
Higgs and New Physics
A model--independent search for deviations from the Standard Model prediction is performed using the full $e^\pm p$ data sample collected by the H1 experiment at HERA. All event topologies involving isolated electrons, photons, muons, neutrinos and jets with transverse momenta above 20 GeV are investigated in a single analysis. Events are assigned to exclusive classes according to their final...
Peter Renkel
(Southern Methodist University)
7/17/09, 5:30 PM
Higgs and New Physics
Model-independent global searches for new physics have been performed at the CDF and D0 experiments. Using 2 fb-1 of data, at CDF nearly 400 final states are examined, looking for discrepancies between the observed data and the standard model expectation in populations, kinematic shapes, and the tails of the summed transverse momentum distribution. A significant improvement to the sensitivity...
Shahram Rahatlou
(Sapienza University of Rome & INFN)
7/17/09, 5:45 PM
Higgs and New Physics
We present a model independent analysis approach, systematically scanning the data for deviations from the Standard Model Monte Carlo expectation. Such an analysis can contribute to the understanding of the CMS detector and the tuning of event generators. Furthermore, this approach is sensitive to a variety of models of new physics, including those not yet thought of. Events are classified...