Jose Ocariz
(Universite Paris Diderot and IN2P3)
7/16/09, 9:00 AM
Flavour Physics
We summarise the current status of the Cabbibo-Kobayaski-Maskawa matrix
describing mixing and CP violation in the quark sector. We review the main
ingredients of the global CKM analysis, with an emphasis on recent results
and their impact. We assess the compatibility between various sources of
information. We discuss the role of theoretical and experimental uncertainties.
We use current...
Cecilia Tarantino
(University Roma Tre)
7/16/09, 9:15 AM
Flavour Physics
We present the update of the Unitarity Triangle (UT) analysis within the Standard Model (SM)
and beyond. Within the SM, combining the direct measurements on sides and angles, the UT
turns out to be overconstraint in a consistent way, showing that the CKM matrix is the dominant
source of flavour mixing and CP-violation and that New Physics (NP) effects can appear at most
as small...
Neus Lopez March
(IFIC (Universitat de València - CSIC ))
7/16/09, 9:30 AM
Flavour Physics
Vincenzo Lombardo
(INFN Milano)
7/16/09, 9:50 AM
Flavour Physics
Eli Ben-Haim
7/16/09, 10:10 AM
Flavour Physics
(University of Warwick / Budker INP), Dr
Anton Poluektov
(Warwick / BINP)
7/16/09, 11:00 AM
Flavour Physics
Measurement of $\phi_3$ with a Dalitz Plot Analysis of $B^+ \to D^{(*)}K^+$ Decay
We present an update of the measurement of the unitarity triangle angle $\phi_3$ using a Dalitz plot analysis of three-body neutral D decays from $B \to D^{(*)}K$ process. The results are based on a large sample of $B\bar{B}$ decays recorded at the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB...
Satoshi Mishima
7/16/09, 11:15 AM
Flavour Physics
We show that there exist uncanceled soft divergences in the k_T
factorization for nonfactorizable amplitudes of two-body nonleptonic
B meson decays, similar to those identified in hadron-hadron collisions.
Viewing the special role of the pion as a q-qbar bound state and as
a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson, we associate a soft factor with it
in the perturbative QCD formalism. This soft...
Marta Calvi
(University Milano Bicocca)
7/16/09, 11:30 AM
Flavour Physics
Joel Jones Perez
(Universitat de Valencia)
7/16/09, 11:45 AM
Flavour Physics
In order to satisfy current FCNC and CP violation bounds, SUSY flavour structures cannot be generic. An interesting solution to these SUSY Flavour and CP Problems lies on the use of an SU(3) family symmetry which spontaneously breaks CP symmetry.
Typical observables of such a model are electric dipole moments and LFV processes. In addition, these models can give contributions to CP...
Wolfgang Altmannshofer
(TU Munich)
7/16/09, 12:00 PM
Flavour Physics
We present a systematic study of the low energy phenomenology of CP violation in b->s transitions within the MSSM. Allowing for the presence of new sources of CP violation, we discuss the Minimal Flavor Violation framework, scenarios with generic new flavor structures in the soft SUSY breaking sector and also setups where the quark and squark masses are determined by underlying flavor models....
Amarjit Soni
(Brookhaven National Lab)
7/16/09, 12:15 PM
Flavour Physics
Although the CKM-paradigm works to an accuracy of ~20%, there are by now several indications that suggest the need for beyond the Standard Model CP-odd phase(s). The value of sin 2β measured via the goldplated (tree) mode, B → ψK s is smaller than the value deduced by using improved lattice matrix elements. The value of sin 2β measured via ‘penguin-dominated’ (loop) decays tends to be even...
Remi Louvot
(École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL))
7/16/09, 2:30 PM
Flavour Physics
Observation of $B_s \to J/\psi \eta$ and Search for $B_s \to J/\psi \eta'$
We report the first observation of the $CP$ eigenstate decay $B_s \to J/\psi \eta$ and a search for the decay $B_s \to J/\psi \eta'$. The results are based on 23.6~fb$^{-1}$ of data collected at the $\Upsilon(5S)$ resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider.
Search for $B_{s} \to...
Jan Morlock
(University of Karlsruhe)
7/16/09, 2:50 PM
Flavour Physics
The first measurement of CP violation phase beta_s in Bs -> J/psi phi
decays in 2007 generated considerable interest. The interest was caused by
the small deviation from the SM. While not sufficiently significant,
together with other measurements it is suggestive of a possible new physics
contribution. In the subsequent update using 2.8 fb-1 of data collected by
CDF II detector...
Phillip Gutierrez
(University of Oklahoma)
7/16/09, 3:05 PM
Flavour Physics
Dominik Horn
(University of Karlsruhe)
7/16/09, 3:20 PM
Flavour Physics
Under certain theoretical assumptions, the branching fraction of Bs → Ds+(*) Ds-(*) is directly sensitive to the relative decay width difference DeltaGamma_CP/Gamma in the Bs system, which is predicted to be sizable in the standard model. Using approx. 4 fb-1 of data collected by the CDF II detector at the Tevatron ppbar collider, we are currently performing an exclusive selection of Bs →...
Lars Sonnenschein
(RWTH Aachen IIIA)
7/16/09, 3:35 PM
Flavour Physics
A search for CP violation has been performed in a sample of semileptonic
Bs decays corresponding to approximately 5 fb^-1 of data collected by the
D0 detector in Run II at the Fermilab Tevatron collider.
A time-dependent fit to the distributions of Bs candidates yields the
flavour-specific asymmetry
as_fs = [-1.7 pm 9.1 (stat) +1.2-2.3 (syst)] x 10^-3, corresponding to the
most precise...
7/16/09, 3:50 PM
Flavour Physics
The Standard Model predicts the CP violation phase $\Phi^{\rm
SM}_{B_s}= \arg M_{12} \simeq \arg(V^*_{ts}V_{tb})$ in
$B_s$--$\bar B_s$ mixing is very small, of ${\cal}O(\lambda^2\eta)
\simeq -0.02$, any finite value of $\Phi_{B_s}$ measured at the
Tevatron would mean New Physics. Recent hints for finite
$\sin2\Phi_{B_s}$ have appeared from CDF and D$\O$ experiments at
the Tevatron Run...
isabelle ripp-baudot
(IPHC Strasbourg, CNRS/IN2P3)
7/16/09, 4:30 PM
Flavour Physics
James Catmore
(Lancaster University, UK)
7/16/09, 4:45 PM
Flavour Physics
The LHC experiments will perform sensitive tests of physics phenomena beyond the Standard Model (BSM). Investigation of the decay of beauty hadrons represents an alternative approach to direct BSM searches. The ATLAS efforts concentrate on those B decays that can be selected by the first and second trigger levels. The most favorable trigger signatures will be for B hadrons decaying to μμ,...
Paula Eerola
(University of Helsinki)
7/16/09, 5:00 PM
Flavour Physics
B physics will be one of the key physics themes at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). B hadrons are an ideal tool for advancing our current understanding of the flavour sector of the Standard Model (SM), and searching for effects originating from physics beyond the SM, thanks to the large production rate and the fact that B hadrons are relatively easy to trigger on and identify due to their long...
Giovanni Onorato
(INFN Napoli - Università "Federico II" Napoli)
7/16/09, 5:15 PM
Flavour Physics
presenters will be chousen
David Straub
(Technische Universität München)
7/16/09, 5:30 PM
Flavour Physics
The rare decay B -> K* l+ l- gives access to many angular observables that offer new important tests of the Standard Model and its extensions. We present a detailed study of these observables and point out a number of correlations which will allow a clear distinction between different New Physics scenarios. Furthermore, we discuss the decays B -> K* nu anti-nu, B -> K nu anti-nu and B -> X(s)...
Lars Hofer
(Karlsruhe Institut of Technology)
7/16/09, 5:45 PM
Flavour Physics
If the parameter tan beta of the MSSM is large, enhanced loop corrections
must be resummed to all orders in perturbation theory. We perform this
resummation for flavour-diagonal and flavour-violating tan-beta-enhanced
corrections without resorting to the decoupling limit, in which the MSSM
is reduced to an effective 2HDM. Our results enable us to clarify the
dependence of the...