16–22 Jul 2009
Kraków, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

KLOE measurements of KL lifetime and absolute branching ratio of K+ -> pi+pi-pi+

17 Jul 2009, 15:15
Large (Kraków, Poland)


Kraków, Poland

The Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University 33 Krupnicza Street 31-123 Kraków
Flavour Physics II. Flavour Physics


Patrizia de Simone (LNF - INFN)


We are presently finalizing a new determination of the KL lifetime using the whole KLOE data set, consisting of more than 10^9 phi -> KSKL decays (the previous KLOE measurement is reported in PLB 626, 2005). The KL lifetime will be extracted from the proper time distribution of KL -> 3pi0 decays, tagged by KS -> pi+pi- decays on the opposite hemisphere of the apparatus. The measurement of the BR for the decay K+ -> 3 charged pions completes the KLOE program of precise and fully inclusive measurements of the kaon dominant BR's. We are currently finalizing this measurement, which is based on the analysis of phi -> K+K- events in which one of the two kaons undergoes a two-body decay, either mu nu or pi pi0 (tagging kaon). Given a tag, the opposite charged kaon decaying to 3 charged pions is easily and unambiguously identified.

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