Katarzyna Grebieszkow
(Warsaw University of Technology)
Theoretical calculations locate the QCD critical end point at energies accessible at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS). The QCD phase diagram (T - \mu_B) can be scanned by changing the energy and the size of the colliding system.
Several observables were suggested to look for the critical point in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. In the NA49 experiment we studied the energy dependence of such observables for central Pb+Pb collisions at beam energies 20A-158A GeV, and the system size dependence with p+p, C+C, Si+Si, and Pb+Pb collisions at the highest SPS energy.
In this talk we will show the system size dependence of event-by-event mean transverse momentum and multiplicity fluctuations as well as the system size dependence of the signal of intermittency in transverse momentum space. For the energy dependence we will present mean transverse momentum and multiplicity fluctuations, anisotropic flow (v_2), and antibaryon to baryon spectra.
Finally, the critical point search strategy in the future NA61/SHINE experiment will be discussed.
Primary author
Katarzyna Grebieszkow
(Warsaw University of Technology)