Jul 16 – 22, 2009
Kraków, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Single pion production induced by neutrino-nucleon interactions

Jul 17, 2009, 3:45 PM
Middle Lecture Hall B (Kraków, Poland)

Middle Lecture Hall B

Kraków, Poland

The Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University 33 Krupnicza Street 31-123 Kraków
Neutrino Physics I. Neutrino Physics


Dr Krzysztof Graczyk (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wrocław)


A proper prediction of the cross sections for single pion production in neutrino-nucleon scattering is an important ingredient of the long base-line oscillation experiment analysis (see experiments: K2K, MiniBooNE and T2K). I will present the re-analysis of the single pion production data collected in the 12-ft ANL and 7-ft BNL bubble chamber experiments (neutrino-deuteron scattering data). It has been claimed that the ANL and BNL data are incompatible. In this presentation I will show that ANL and BNL data are consistent. The impact of the deuteron structure effect on the final fits will be also discussed. The new consistent fit of the C5A axial form factor is the main result of our analysis. The fit is applied to the NuWro Monte Carlo (MC) generator and then used to predict $\sigma(CC\pi^+)/\sigma(CCQE)$ ratio for the K2K and MiniBooNE experiments. We compute also the cross sections for the single pi0 production in the neutral current neutrino-nucleon scattering. The neutral current pi0 production is the dominant background to the measurement of the $nu_\mu \to nu_e$ oscillation planned to be observed at the T2K experiment. The resulting cross sections are calculated together with the uncertainties coming from the uncertainties of the original experimental data.

Primary author

Dr Krzysztof Graczyk (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wrocław)

Presentation materials