3–6 Jul 2017
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Using neutron techniques to explore the properties of thiophene-based polymers for organic electronics

5 Jul 2017, 10:10
oral presentation Soft matter and glass formers Spectroscopy & Neutron Research


Dr Victoria Garcia Sakai (ISIS Neutron and Muon Facility, STFC)


`In this talk I will showcase how the use of neutrons is helpful to gain information on the behaviour of polythiohene-fullerene systems for organic electronic applications. I will concentrate on two areas. First, nanoscale control of the structural organisation and as a result the dynamical behaviour, is paramount to boost their performance. Quasi-elastic scattering has been used to probe the effect of fullerenes on polymer dynamics. In addition, neutron reflectivity shows that the intercalation of the fullerene molecules between the side-chains can be tuned by simply controlling the degree of self-organization of the polymer. Second, we use neutrons in a slightly different way, not by scattering but by irradiation. I will present results of the first study of the neutron radiation tolerance of two polythiophenes showing that crystallinity plays an important role.`

Primary authors

Prof. Franco Cacialli (University College London) Dr Giuseppe Paterno (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and Polytechnic University of Milan) Dr Victoria Garcia Sakai (ISIS Neutron and Muon Facility, STFC)

Presentation materials

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